Friday, June 18, 2021

Organizing for Improvement


   Many people would probably not opening admit it, but no one really likes a procrastinator! There I said it!  When you are around or have to deal with someone who constantly puts things off it can become frustrating to say the least.  When it becomes a daily affair, it is almost “friendship breaking time.”  Why is it that some people cannot seem to get their lives organized so that they can actually get more things accomplished?

     They need to realize a startling truth:  There are many physical benefits to organization.  But did you know that organizing your space and your life can also have positive mental and for some people spiritual benefits?

     Purging your home and workplace of clutter and unnecessary items can symbolize a deeper process of cleansing and purification within your own mind.  As you toss old, useless clutter and better organize what’s left, you are in effect creating a sensation of lightness and freedom that can benefit you both mentally and spiritually.

      On an energetic level, the effects of cleaning and de-cluttering can be even more profound because the process clears stagnation and calls in a flow of fresh, invigorating energy (also called “chi,” “ki,” or “qi” – which means “universal life energy” by some people).  I personally don’t go for any of this mystical, meditational summing of some type of super power from within.  But I do feel that when your entire life is properly organized your mind can better deal with whatever may come your way.

     What does this mean for you and your space?  It can mean more peace, prosperity, harmony and success within your life!  Below you’ll find some general quick tips on how to organize for a more serene atmosphere:

1)          First and foremost, clearing away clutter is crucial.  Clutter drains your energy, scatters your focus and leaves you feeling overwhelmed and restricted.  Take as much time as necessary to remove items that are no longer needed and put away items to be kept.  However, don’t toss them carelessly into drawers and closets; be sure to organize and place them neatly where they belong.  Clutter is clutter, and you’ll experience the same negative effects even if it’s hidden away. I heard a simple process to do this concerning the clothes in your closet.  Place all the items on hangers in your closet BACKWARDS!  As you wear a piece of clothing return it to the closet with the hanger FORWARD!  After four to six months see how many items in your closet are still on BACKWARD hangers!  If you haven’t worn an item within this amount of time, do you really need to keep it?  Maybe it’s time to make a donation to Good Will! This process will also apply to preparing yourself for an uncluttered mind.

2)         Once your surroundings are ordered, it’s time to do a physical cleaning job.  Grab a vacuum cleaner, mops, buckets, dusting cloths, glass cleaner and any other supplies you’ll need, and clean like you’ve never cleaned before!  It’s important to do a thorough job because you are not just cleaning away visible dirt – you are also removing all the bad connotations that go along with someone seeing that your surroundings are shabby and unkept!  You want your living environment to reflect the fact that like all other things in your life, you have made a personal decision to have everything around you in an orderly fashion.

3)            Finally, take a breather and look at your surroundingsNotice that they look better, but also notice the difference in the way the environment feels.  Does it feel lighter and calmer?  Most people can feel the difference right away.  Simply surrounding yourself with a more organized environment will help develop within you the desire and effort to keep things in this new and better arranged style.

    At this point you will want to organize your life activities into a workable format that you can continue to develop as you and your surroundings improve day-by-day.  Think of yourself as a work-in-progress as to becoming the well organized and functioning machine that you envision within your mind.

     Now you will not only enjoy the results of your efforts to leave procrastination behind, but all those around you will delight in the new, dependable, and motivated person you have become.

     It is going to take some work and effort, but you will find the results far outweigh how hard you have had to work in making the improvements to reach the point you are now at.  Continue to work on yourself and always realize that adjustments will continue to be necessary.  Also don’t forget that you will most always be the “road block” in your way because we’re only human!



"How do you know what you have

and what you do not have

if you are not well organized?"

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