Friday, April 30, 2021

Improving Self-Esteem

      Low self-esteem is when someone lacks confidence about who they are and what they can do. They often feel incompetent, unloved, or inadequate. People who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently afraid about making mistakes or letting other people down.

     Having self-esteem issues can be detrimental to your health and negatively affect your personal and professional relationships. There are many reasons why you may have low self-esteem — your genes, how and where you grew up, and other life circumstances all play a role.

     A major factor of low self-esteem, however, comes from your own mental state. Your inner voice, or the thoughts in your head, can be constantly telling you that you are not good enough or worth anything, even if there is evidence to the contrary. Negative thinking in general is linked to low self-worth and low self-esteem.

     To get a better understanding of the signs of low self-esteem perhaps you could visit

     One of the best (and simplest) means of helping to overcome a problem of low self-esteem is to fill your mind with positive affirmations.  However, what stops most people is the uncertainty of what to say, and how to word affirmations for optimal effectiveness.  Below you’ll find some simple tips to help you write effective affirmations for improving your self-esteem.

1)         Present tense.  First, it’s helpful to word affirmations in present tense, not future tense.  You wouldn’t want to say, “I will learn to love myself” because that makes it sound like you’ll get around to it “someday.”  Instead you could say, “I choose to love myself.”  The wording of that affirmation does two things:  it empowers you with the addition of the words “choose to,” and it puts the timeframe in the present moment.  This is something you can do for yourself several times during the day.

2)         Believable.  At the same time, your affirmations should be believable to you.  If you tried to say, “I am a wonderful person with a lot to offer the world,” you may not really believe that, so your subconscious mind might reject it.  Instead, try to focus on a process rather than an end result in your affirmations.  Say something like, “I am learning to embrace my uniqueness and share it confidently with others.” As you continue to improve in your self-esteem, you can relate other statements that your mind will accept as believable.

3)         Use the right tone.  When you recite affirmations, you can do so aloud or just mentally, but you should focus heavily on the TONE you use.  Rather than saying the words without emotion like you were reading a newspaper – really inject an element of love and tenderness into them.  Your subconscious mind picks up on the emotional aspect of what you’re saying more than the actual words.  Imagine the difference between saying the words, “I really love myself” with a tone of love and compassion, or sarcasm.  Which do you think would have a greater impact on your subconscious mind?

4)         Repetition.  Once you’ve got some affirmations formed to work on your self-esteem, try repeating them several times a day.  Remember, your subconscious mind is constantly playing back old, negative messages – so you want to counteract those as much as possible.  Keep reciting your more positive thoughts on a regular basis - especially when you become aware that you’re thinking negatively about yourself.  Learn to reject those negative thoughts and continue to fill your mind with positive thoughts about yourself.

5)         Give it time.  Finally, remember that it will take time to change those old, negative messages in your mind to something more positive.  It may take a few weeks or even months before you’ll notice an obvious difference in how you feel, and you may be tempted to think it isn’t working.  Keep with it, and you will begin to see a difference eventually!  Most likely it will be a gradual change.  Little by little you’ll start feeling more positive, and notice that you’re feeling a bit happier and lighter.  That’s your signal that your positive affirmations are working!

     Also, don’t forget, there may be others who because of their personal feelings about themselves may not be happy with the improvements you are making within your own life.  They may try to imply that you’ll never be able to improve your self-esteem, so why try?  Don’t listen to them!  Sadly, that’s the way we are as imperfect people.  Remember: We’re Only Human!



"Nobody really knows what a GREAT

person you are --- but YOU!"

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Be Happy

      What is it going to take to make you happy?  Are you still waiting for your circumstances to change before you’ll allow yourself to be happy?  Do you actually think that you WILL be happy if your circumstances were to change?  Most of us have preconceived ideas of what would have to happen before we were happy, and we refuse to be satisfied until those things happen precisely as we envision them taking place!  Nothing else is going to satisfy us until those things take place.

     The problem is that even once those specific things happen in our lives, we’re rarely satisfied with them!  Instead, we shift our focus to something even bigger and better, believing “it” will make us happy (or happier).  We never allow ourselves to reach a point of contentment.  Have you done the same thing to yourself?

     The good news is that you can decide to be happy NOW – even if not everything in your life is perfect. It is going to be a very long time for you if everything has to be perfect in your life BEFORE you become content!  That time will probably NEVER happen for you.  However, there are things that you go do for yourself to make the current situations in your life more enjoyable and happier for you!  Below you’ll find 3 easy ways that will help you do this:

     1)   Be grateful.  Gratitude is one of the most powerful states of mind that you can adopt.  Not only does it make you feel good, it shifts your focus from what you don’t have to what you DO have, and keeps it there!  As you focus more on what you are grateful to have in your life (even the really small blessings!), you worry less about anything that may be lacking.  The result?  A more pervasive sense of happiness!

     2)   Take time to smell the roses.  If you spend most of your days feeling rushed and scattered, it’s hard to feel happy and content.  In order to be truly happy, you need to make time for yourself to relax, dream, and take pleasure in life’s simpler moments.  Beginning today, make sure to spend time doing things you love on a regular basis.  Read books that stimulate your imagination; listen to great music; take long walks, and generally make an effort to enjoy your life as it is right now.  It’s not a sin to take care of your own needs!  You are probably very busy taking care of the needs of others, but don’t forget about yourself.

     3)   Love the journey.  You have probably been on a vacation at some point in your life.  Often, we feel the “vacation” doesn’t start until we get to the destination we are heading for.  The same is true for other aspects in our lives.  Many of us make the mistake of pinning all of our expectations on some vague, far-off result, like the completion of goals.  We believe that once we “get there” everything will be perfect and we’ll finally be happy.  However, there is much to be gained from enjoying the journey TO your destination!  Make it your mission to revel in every moment that you’re working toward higher goals.  Enjoy the sense of self-mastery and accomplishment you gain with every goal you achieve.  Make it a worthwhile journey and you’ll savor the end result that much more!

     The most important thing to understand about happiness is that it is largely a CHOICE you make from moment to moment.  Though certain serious situations make it difficult to feel happy at times, most often we allow the little things to bother us and block any happiness we would otherwise feel.  Embrace happiness, and it will grow to monstrous proportions in your life!  And never forget, the biggest obstacle for your accomplishing this is the fact that we’re only human!



"Show the world you are a REAL rebel,

be happy!"

Friday, April 16, 2021

Attract Prosperity

      What usually comes to your mind when you hear the word prosperity? Prosperity usually means the type of success that comes from having a lot of money. Our modern English word derives from the Middle English word “prosperite”, borrowed through Old French rendition from the Latin word “prosperus” or "favorable." The Latin word also means "fortunate”.  Whatever comes to your mind, it usually has something to do with being successful in a financial way.

     Because of your present situation or the things that have happened to you in the past, do you have a hard time focusing on prosperity?  Do you find yourself struggling with negative thought habits that only seem to attract more lack of success and difficulty into your life?  Affirmations (the action or process of affirming something or being affirmed) are one simple tool you can use to turn around your thinking processes and make positive changes in your life.

     Affirmations work by delivering new messages to your subconscious mind.  Most often, this involves replacing old, limiting messages with new, empowering messages. However, the way you word your affirmations will usually determine how effective they are for you.  What I’m saying is that you can say different things with the same meaning, but the words you choose to say it may have different connotations to your mind.  For example, you can say “Do you want to live?”  or “Do you want to die?”  The choosing of the appropriate words can help you fix in your mind the way you want to visualize your future goal.  Let’s look at this idea a bit deeper.

     If I asked you to recite this affirmation: “I am a millionaire,” how effective do you think it would be?  Would you turn into an overnight millionaire?  Would money start falling out of the sky to land in your lap?  Probably not.  Why?  Simply because you know the statement isn’t true.  If you try to feed your subconscious mind a belief that you are a millionaire, it creates a conflict with your current set of beliefs.  Your subconscious mind does not like conflict, and it doesn’t like change – so nothing in your life changes either!

     In order for affirmations to work, you MUST word them in a way that your subconscious mind won’t resist.  In other words, make them believable.  Compare the above affirmation to one like this:  “I am becoming more prosperous every day.”

     That one feels better, doesn’t it?  Your mind doesn’t try to resist it because you can actually imagine it happening (even if it hasn’t begun to happen yet).

     Another power-boost for affirmations is to word them in a way that places more responsibility on you.  For example, instead of affirming, “I am becoming more prosperous every day,” you could say, “I am open to the best opportunities to make money quickly and easily.”  The wording of such an affirmation makes you feel more in control of your circumstances.  Rather than waiting anxiously for money to fall out of the sky, you send a message to your subconscious mind that you can control how much money you have by being alert to great opportunities and then taking advantage of those opportunities.

     Affirmations can vary in the length of time required to firmly “take root” in your mind.  For the most part, it depends on the intensity of your opposing beliefs and the level of effort you put forth in turning those beliefs around.  If your focus is on the lack of the reality of your affirmation and your opposing beliefs are very strong, you’ll probably have to expend a fair amount of energy and effort to retrain your mind to focus on prosperity.

     However, it is time and effort well spent to do so because the more you focus on positive thoughts and prosperous beliefs, the more you’ll find yourself attracting good things into your life.  Also, this will help you avoid the negative aspects of whatever situations you may have to face.

     Here are a few good affirmations to help you get started on the road to prosperity:

           I use my thoughts and emotions to attract abundance effortlessly.

           I am becoming more prosperous and successful every day.

           I know I have what it takes to be as successful as I want to be.

           I am talented and resourceful regardless of the situation.

           I create a better life one positive thought at a time.

     Your hopes may be to keep yourself in a positive frame of mind; however, the human tendency is to always view the negative.  We generally take the position of Murphy’s Law (“Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”.)  That is generally a result of the fact that we’re only human!



"With each step we move,

sometimes forward, sometimes backwards."

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Helpful Affirmations

      There are times when we have to be our own cheerleader!  We have to help ourself understand that we can accomplish our goals and we will not be overtaken by apathy or our own shortcomings.  We need to keep affirming to ourselves that, as a person, we are truly valuable and to some degree important!  We can do this by means of affirmations!  But what are affirmations and how do we write them for ourselves?

     Affirmations are great tools that can help you overcome fear, build your confidence, develop an abundance mind-set and more.  The problem is that many people aren't sure exactly how to write effective affirmations.  Do they always have to be in present tense?  Can they contain "negative" words like can't, won't, not, and so on?

     There are plenty of differing opinions on the right and wrong ways to write effective affirmations, but the bottom line is that an affirmation can be considered effective if it works for YOU!  The whole point of affirmations is to shift your thoughts and emotions to a more positive place so you feel more confident, happy, secure, abundant, or anything else you're trying to accomplish.

     Take a look at the sample affirmations below for starters and feel free to use them if they resonate with you.  If not, try altering them slightly until they trigger the mind-set and emotional state you're trying to attain.  Just remember: There is NO right or wrong affirmation!

Affirmations for Healthy Weight and Body Image:

- Today I love my body fully, deeply and joyfully.

- My body has its own wisdom and I trust that wisdom completely.

- My body is simply a projection of my beliefs about myself.

- I am growing more beautiful and luminous day by day.

- I choose to see the divine perfection in every cell of my body.

- As I love myself, I allow others to love me too.

- Flaws are transformed by love and acceptance.

- Today I choose to honor my beauty, my strength and my uniqueness.

- I love the way I feel when I take good care of myself.

- Today my own well-being is my top priority.


Affirmations for Self-Confidence and Self-Belief:

- Fear is only a feeling; it cannot hold me back.

- I know that I can master anything if I do it enough times.

- Today I am willing to fail in order to succeed tomorrow.

- I believe that I have the strength to make my dreams come true.

- I'm going to relax and have fun with this, no matter what the outcome may be.

- I'm proud of myself for even daring to try; many people won't even do that!

- Today I put my full trust in my inner guidance.

- I grow in strength with every forward step I take.

- I release my hesitation and make room for victory!

- With a solid plan and a belief in myself, there's nothing I can't do.


Affirmations for Abundance and Prosperity:

- I open to the flow of great abundance in all areas of my life.

- I always have more than enough of everything I need.

- Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!

- Today I expand my awareness of the abundance all around me.

- I allow the universe to bless me in surprising and joyful ways.

- My grateful heart is a magnet that attracts more of everything I desire.

- Prosperity surrounds me, prosperity fills me, prosperity flows to me and through me.

- I exude passion, purpose and prosperity.

- I am always led to the people who need what I have to offer.

- As my commitment to help others grows, so does my wealth.

- My day is filled with limitless potential in joy, abundance and love.


Affirmations for Life Purpose:

- The better I know myself, the clearer my purpose becomes.

- My unique skills and talents can make a profound difference in the world.

- Today I follow my heart and discover my destiny.

- I am meant to do great things.

- I am limited only by my vision of what is possible.

- My purpose is to develop and share the best parts of myself with others.

- Today I present my love, passion, talent and joy as a gift to the world.

- I need not know the entire journey in order to take that first step.

- I fulfill my life purpose by starting here, right now, and moving forward.

- My life purpose can be whatever I decide to make it.


Affirmations for Inner Peace:

- All is well, right here, right now.

- Peace begins with a conscious choice.

- Today I embrace simplicity, peace and solace.

- A peaceful heart makes for a peaceful life.

- I trust the universe to deliver my highest good in every situation.

- By becoming peace, I create peace in every experience.

- I am filled with the light of love, peace and joy.

- Peace comes when I let go of trying to control every tiny detail.

- Where peace dwells, fear cannot.

- Today my mission is to surrender and release.

- I will take the peace I have and become a peacemaker for those around me.


Affirmations for Opportunity:

- Today I open my mind to the endless opportunities surrounding me.

- Opportunities are everywhere, if I choose to see them.

- I boldly act on great opportunities when I see them.

- My intuition leads me to the most lucrative opportunities.

- An opportunity is simply a possibility until I act on it.

- Some of the best opportunities are made, not found.

- Today I see each moment as a new opportunity to express my greatness.

- I expand my awareness of the hidden potential in each experience.

- Let each of my experiences today be a gateway to something even better.

- Each decision I make creates new opportunities.


Affirmations for Love:

- I am ready for a healthy, loving relationship.

- All of my relationships are meaningful and fulfilling.

- As I share my love with others the universe mirrors love back to me.

- I see everyone I meet as a soul mate.

- I trust the universe to know the type of partner who is perfect for me.

- Today I release fear and open my heart to true love.

- I am grateful for the people in my life.

- I am the perfect partner for my perfect partner.

- I deserve a loving, healthy relationship.

- I deserve to be loved and I allow myself to be loved.


Affirmations for Healing:

- I am strong and healthy.

- My energy and vitality are increasing every day.

- I open to the natural flow of wellness now.

- My inner guidance leads me to the right healing modalities for me.

- Abundant health and wellness are my birthright.

- Thank you for my strength, my health and my vitality.

- I am feeling stronger and better now.

- I love taking good care of myself.

- Today nurturing myself is my highest priority.

- Thank you for the opportunity to balance my mind, body and spirit.


Affirmations for Inner Clarity:

- Today I awaken to my higher wisdom.

- My inner voice guides me in every moment.

- I am centered, calm and clear.

- I always know the right actions to achieve my goals.

- When I know where I'm going, getting there is a cinch!

- Today I am completely tuned in to my inner wisdom.

- Harmony is always a sign that I am balanced from within.

- Thank you for showing me the way to my dreams.

- I trust my feelings and insights.

- I am detached and open to divine guidance.


Affirmations for Self-Love:

- I am filled with light, love and peace.

- I treat myself with kindness and respect.

- I don't have to be perfect; I just have to be me.

- I give myself permission to shine.

- I honor the best parts of myself and share them with others.

- I'm proud of all I have accomplished.

- Today I give myself permission to be greater than my fears.

- I love myself no matter what.

- I am my own best friend and cheerleader.

- Thank you for the qualities, traits and talents that make me so unique.


     By examining yourself and helping yourself by affirmations to be the best person you can possibly be, you will find that those around you are attracted to you more and will be willing to accept you for the person you see yourself to be.  However, never forgot: we’re only human!



"I can neither affirm or deny

that which I do not know."

Friday, April 9, 2021


      I once had a Vietnamese friend who was trying to tell me something about buying a bed or being given a bed, or something.  I couldn’t understand what she was trying to explain to me in her broken (and not always correct) English.  At the moment I had another friend walk by.  She was Korean.  I asked her to explain to me what my first friend was trying to tell me.  Her response was: “She is Vietnamese, I am Korean.  They are not the same!”

     She was very correct.  They were different; not alike in character or quality; distinct in nature; dissimilar; not identical, and so on.   I had to remember that.  Although both of the languages are oriental, they are not the same!  My friend was also helping me understand something else.

     For several years I was a fingerprint technician for the federal government.  I would spend the entire day comparing submitted fingerprint cards from various law enforcement agencies around the country to those on file with the FBI to see if I could make an identification of the individual to perhaps other crimes that had been committed.  It was actually a fascinating job! 

     For many years the Bertillion measurement system was used to identify one person from another.  This system involves the taking of many measurements of a person’s body parts.  You can get a better understanding at

     However, in 1903 a case involving William West and Willie West at a federal prison in Leavenworth, Kansas, changed the way that people were classified and identified.  It seemed that these two inmates had the same name, bertillion measurements, and bore a striking resemblance to each other.  Although they were ALMOST identical, they WERE NOT!  You can read this very interesting story at

         That incident called the reliability of bertillion measurements into question, and it was decided that a more positive means of identification was necessary.  After 1903, many prison systems began to use fingerprints as the primary means of identification.  You see, NO two individuals have the same identical fingerprint patterns, not even identical twins!  So this became a reliable means of identification.

     You may have also heard that no two snowflakes are the same.  In explaining this there is a very good article: “Are Snowflakes All Unique?” at,grow%20in%20a%20unique%20way. 

     It explains that snowflakes are formed differently, from different moisture, in different clouds, and so on.  So no two are created exactly the same. This same explanation can be applied to us as humans.

     We are all born with different genetic makeups and raised in different environments.  We have different experiences, goals, and values.  This makes us all unique in our own special ways.  We learn differently and live differently.

     But we must remember that different does not mean better!  A hand is different than a foot.  An eye is different than an ear.  But the difference does not make one more important or superior to the other.

     Think of the area of music.  There are so many different styles of music and people like to hear them.  Some have a preference of one over the other, but it doesn’t mean that either of them is better than the other, only different!

     If we can only learn to look past the differences on some occasions and embrace and enjoy the differences on other occasions, we may find that what makes us unique and enjoyable to be around are the very differences that we, on occasion, choose to use as divisive measures.  The stumbling block that we are, at times, unable to get over is that we’re only human!



"It's our differences that should 

pull us together and make us one."

Tuesday, April 6, 2021



    You’ve seen the person.  Perhaps you ARE the person!  The one who has everything in its own place.  The one who knows where each item is to be placed and how it should be used.  The person who has everything at their fingertips just when it is needed.  EVERYTHING so well organized!

     To some this may seem like a lot of work for nothing!  But, being organized is not only effective, it makes a person’s work actually more efficient and their life more enjoyable.  As a young boy I had an enjoyment of collecting baseball cards.  Perhaps some of you remember how you could get five or ten cards in pack with a stick of gum.  I thought it was one of the most wonderful things to do as a young kid.

     You could talk about all the statistics on the reverse side of the card that had been included by the card marker.  How many hits, home runs, teams that the player had been on, and so forth.  There was also the joy of being able to “trade” your duplicate cards to your buddies for some that they wanted to “trade.”  You could work your deck to see if you could get all the players cards from your favorite team or you could use some other measure to complete your “sets” of cards as you saw fit.

     To help in all these activities you had to make sure that YOUR collection was kept in the right order so you knew what you had and what you wanted.  You had to keep that collection well organized!  I think it was in some fashion, this card collecting activity, that helped me to come to appreciate the art of being organized.  I only wish I had the foresight to have wanted to keep that collection for a future date and perhaps I would have had some of my collection today that might have been worth some money.  However, I still enjoyed the time spent collecting them and having the “trading” sessions with my buddies.  I could have said similar comments about collecting comic books (as they were called at the time).

     You have to remember that nobody is born organized.  Nor do we automatically become organized at some point in our lives.  Being organized is something you must learn.  And you can learn this art even if you think you are the most Unorganized person in the world.

     At ( ) you can learn 10 habits of really organized people.  Here are the topics that they cover in their article:

1.      Write things down.

2.      Make Schedules and Deadlines.

3.      Don’t Procrastinate.

4.      Give Everything a Home.

5.      Declutter Regularly.

6.      Keep Only What You Need.

7.      Know Where to Discard Items.

8.      Stay Away from Bargains.

9.      Delegate Responsibilities.

10.  Work Hard.

     You can easily see how each one of these topics could become a specific talking point of its own with many words used to describe in great detail how you might be able to accomplish each one of them.  The article mentioned above does a good job in providing a brief encapsulated view of each one.

     To be well organized in our lives makes us better organized in our work, our families, our goals and every other aspect of life.  To be well organized requires effort and, in some cases, a LOT of work!  But it will be well worth it when the time comes and a certain item is needed and we immediately produce what is needed because we are so well organized.  The primary problem to being organized is the fact that we’re only human!



"The best plan is to be organized for any situation, 

unless the plan calls for utter chaos!"

Friday, April 2, 2021



    When you were young (that is, if you are older now) you could probably go for some time without sleep.  I can remember a time in my teens when it seemed like I would get off work on Friday evening and not go to bed before I had to return to work on Monday morning.  Now it’s a much different situation.  There are evenings that I can hardly keep my eyes open and when I look at the clock thinking I should probably get ready for bed, it’s only 6:00 PM!

     Have you ever wondered WHY do we need to sleep?  Or what might happen to us if we didn’t?  That is a very interesting subject now that it seems like I want to get as much sleep as I possibly can!

     According to the Sleep Foundation, “Sleep is an essential function that allows your body and mind to recharge, leaving you refreshed and alert when you wake up.  Healthy sleep also helps the body remain healthy and stave off diseases. Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly.”

     It is said that most adults require between seven and nine hours of nightly sleep.  Children and teenagers need substantially more sleep.  Now, I would think it to be just the opposite, but who am I to argue with science!

     All I do remember is that when I was younger and had to get up in the mornings for school, I really wanted to stay under those covers and get MORE sleep!  It didn’t matter how long I had already been in the bed, I wanted to get more.

     The Sleep Foundation goes on to explain the SCIENCE behind this needed sleep and many other fascinating aspects about it.  You may enjoy reading their entire article at,the%20brain%20cannot%20function%20properly.

     What however happens if you don’t get enough sleep?  According to the National Institute of Health you may develop a condition known as sleep deprivation.  However, they also discuss the condition of sleep deficiency which is a broader concept than sleep deprivation.  They go into a lengthy discussion of this topic at which is a very interesting read.  You might find out some points you need to know about your own sleep habits.

     Sometimes the expression goes that we might “sleep our lives away.”  Or as one of my favorite lines go, spoken by John Wayne in his 1972 western movie “The Cowboys,”  “We’re burning daylight!”  There are those who feel that they are going to miss something important if they do not keep themselves busy, or perhaps they are going to fall behind in some type of financial way if they don’t become a workaholic and basically work 24/7!

     There may be some who have the fear of going to sleep and never waking up!  Or, at least, the fear of being like Rip Van Winkle (Washington Irving, 1819) who fell asleep for twenty years and all that he had known or remembered had changed around him.

     I think, perhaps, we should find a balance somewhere in between that works for us.  In that way, we are not failing to get the sleep we need, but we are not over-indulging in slumbering away our life.  The major problem that we have in doing that is the fact that we’re only human!



"All things are too great to deal with 

until I awaken from my sleep and take action!"