About Me

               My name is J. Larry Sapp. I was born in middle Georgia. (That’s the State not the Country.)  My parents were humble hard-working middle-class people and I was taught the value of hard work and treating others with respect and dignity.  This was to be the case whether you felt their position was higher or lower than yours.

               I left home at 17 after graduating from high school to start that adventure that all young people look forward to as their unearned right.  To make my mark upon the world, as it were!  During the 50 years that have passed I‘m not sure if I made a “mark” on the world or it made one on me.  But, I do know that I have lived!  I’ve done more and seen more in my life than I could have ever imagined in that small southern town in which I was raised.
                I’ve worked for the federal government, been in the military, and worked for myself and other companies in the private sector of commerce.  As I have done those things, I paid my way through college (finally earning a Master’s degree in accounting), met (in my opinion) the most beautiful woman in the world, and together we raised a family of three children who have gone on with their own lives and provided us with five wonderful grandchildren and now (as of June 2017, one GREAT grandchild.)  It took a lot of years but I always thought that I would be great sooner or later!
               I have lived in many of the states within the continental US and visited most of the rest.  My wife and I lived for two years in Turkey and visited such places as Rome, London, Paris, Belgium, Hawaii, Mexico and many other places.  During those years and many locations there have been some extremely wonderful times and there have been some really low times.  I have had to learn how to enjoy the plenty at times and on others to get by on practically nothing.  And yet, through all these times I have marveled at the resilience of those around me and the support I have received.

                It has made me wonder about the human mind and how different people will react to the same situation in a very different way. So I put my thoughts into words and started this blog.  You may find it strange.  You may find it interesting.  Or you may just find my thoughts too extreme or not malleable enough for yours.  Whichever is the case for you, I hope you will take a few minutes to follow and to read my rants and make up your own mind.  For your time I thank you because I realize regardless of who we are or what our personal situation is in life, we all only have 24 hours in each day.  And you have chosen to spend some of your valuable time with me on this blog.  Thank you.

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