Saturday, October 28, 2017


     There are many things in our lives that we have to worry about:  How are we going to make a living?  What type of work are we going to do? Where are we going to live?  Are we going to get married?  If we do, will we have children?  And the list could go on with these types of questions!  In today’s society we now have to add to that such concerns as: Is the person eating next to us going to jump up suddenly and start shooting everyone in the restaurant?  While walking down the street or when “out on the town” is someone going to decide to pull their vehicle onto the sidewalk and mow us down like bowling pins?  When we send our children off to school in the morning are they going to be safe, or will they have to face a massacre from the actions of a fellow student?  We can add numerous amounts of situations to these questions and we find ourselves worried all day long!

     Let’s face facts:  There are only so many things we can do to try and minimize the occurrence of most of these developments.  And we SHOULD do what we can to make ourselves as safe as possible.  But we can’t stop living because of what MIGHT happen!  Otherwise we constantly live in fear and WE become the prisoner of our circumstances.  And often these circumstances are only fabrications within our minds of what MIGHT be possible.  I am not minimizing the terrible atrocities that have happened and are continuing to happen on a daily basis, but often the mere POSSIBILITY of an event happening is sufficient enough to bring our lives to a virtual HALT!  And that’s not how we find real enjoyment in our lives.

     Franklin D. Roosevelt at his first inaugural speech said: “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.”  At that time he was speaking about the depression and the prospect of turning the U.S. economy around.  Actually Francis Bacon, an English philosopher, statesman, scientist, jurist, orator, and author, said it about 400 years earlier.  In his “Essay on Tribune” he said “There is nothing to fear but fear.”  Winston Churchill later used a similar quote to the British troops.  It seems that politicians (and others) are constantly “borrowing” phrases from one another whenever they feel it is appropriate to do so.

     But the point being made is that on many occasions we contrive in our own minds an expected consequence of situations and, in effect, become afraid of the fear of what MIGHT happen!  I can best illustrate this with a true life experience in my life that happened when I was about fifteen years old.

     One day my cousin and her family came to visit us in Georgia.  She was about my age and we usually got along very well together.  On this visit she had brought along with her a toy:  a gyroscope!  It’s a spinning wheel or disc in which the axis of rotation is free to assume any orientation by itself.  You can even balance it on the end of your finger with a little practice.    The concept has been used in astronaut training and even “carnival” attractions.  But I digress from my story.

     As it turned out this was my cousin’s FAVORITE toy and she lacked NO words in telling me that I WAS NOT to play with it AT ALL!  Of course this made my desire to play with the toy even greater.  So during the day I made it my “obsession” to secretly follow my cousin around and I found out where she was “hiding” this wonderful toy when she wasn’t playing with it.

     After some time had passed on the third day of their visit, my sisters arranged to take my cousin shopping during the day.  I knew this was my time, but I had to plan my course of action in detail.  So I waited until about an hour AFTER they left and I knew I still had a GOOD couple of hours before their return.  My Dad and Mom had taken my Aunt and Uncle to visit some of the “old” places they used to frequent when they lived in the area so I knew this was the time to act.

     I slipped into the bedroom and “searched” through the lower dresser drawer that my cousin was using during their visit.  There it was!  All wrapped up in a cloth and safely tucked into the corner of the drawer.  I took it out and just stood there for a few moments simply mesmerized by the beauty of this fascinating toy.  I wound the string around the center axis and gave it a swift pull to start the rotation movement.  To my surprise there was a terrible clang, clunk, clink as the center piece flew out of the toy and bounced around the floor!  What had I done?  The most loved toy of my cousin was in pieces and I had been told DON’T TOUCH IT!  I quickly picked up the pieces, wrapped them back in the cloth and placed them securely back into my cousin’s drawer.  Then I headed for the back door and left!

     Walking away from the house my mind was racing with thoughts of fear and dread.  I knew I couldn’t afford to buy my cousin a new gyroscope and I also knew what punishment would no doubt be waiting for me when I went home.  So I walked!  And I walked!  My mind wouldn’t let me have a moment of peace.  I knew what I had done was wrong, but I feared the retribution that I would have to face.  In time, about three hours later, the tiredness of walking and the desire to have something to drink overcame the fear of what awaited me at home so I returned to face my punishment.

     Upon arriving back at the house I slipped quietly in through the back door.  I could hear the family up toward the front laughing and having a good visit.  As I made my way to the kitchen to get a drink there was my cousin sitting at the kitchen table reading a book.  I wasn’t exactly sure how to do this, but I knew it had to be done.  So I motioned for her to come over to me and when she did I said:  “Can we go back to your bedroom?  I need to talk to you in private.”

     As we got into the room I told her what I had done and retrieved the gyroscope from her “hiding” place.  I unwrapped the cloth and showed her the pieces as I had left them several hours earlier.  I wasn’t sure how she was going to respond as she took the pieces of the toy from my hands.  For a moment she was chillingly quiet and I thought maybe she was going to slap me on the head or something.  Then, to my amazement, she took the two pieces, snapped them back together, and said:  “It always does that, but you just put it back in!”

     My heart sank for a moment.  I had been out walking the neighborhood for HOURS dreading the punishment I would be facing and there was NONE!  She put it back together in two seconds and it was like new!  All my worries and my fears were for NOTHING!  I felt better, but I knew next time I was told to leave something alone that was exactly what I was going to do!

     Yes unnecessary fear can prevent us from living our lives.  It can stifle our joys and bring overwhelming anxiety to our hearts.  Let us use caution.  Let us prepare as we can.  But most importantly let us LIVE!



"Give and be happy!
and if you can't give --- take less!"

Monday, October 23, 2017


     There was a day during my senior year in High School:  A day like every other day that year but it was different.  I went to school that morning as I had done all the other days during the school year.  Barely getting into my home room class before the tardy bell rang out.

     But as I went through the day to my classes it seemed that all the teachers and their assistants knew something I didn’t know.  It was really strange the way they were acting, but I couldn’t put my finger on exactly what the problem was.  I just continued all day to have this feeling that sooner or later I would be called into the principal’s office, but it never happened!  Everything just went along like a “normal” school day, but it just seemed different!

     After school, I got home, changed my clothes and went to work.  It was just a part-time position at a small local grocery store.  I had started there a few years earlier as a “bag boy,” but over time I had worked my way up to produce “manager.”  I thought the title sounded quiet impressive and it did come with a twenty-five cents per hour pay raise.  It hardly seemed like a “management” position when I look back on it.  I was the ONLY person I the department, so I guess all I had to do was “manage” myself!

     This too seemed like an ordinary day although my boss’s wife sure seemed extra attentive and helpful to me this day.  She continued wanting to know how school was going and if I had liked my job working there at the grocery.  Like I said it was much the same old normal day, just a bit strange for some reason.  It seemed like everyone in town had decided to come to that little store that day and make a purchase.  It made for a busy day, but it also made it seem to go by faster.  When I would restock the bins and come from the back storeroom there seemed to be an unusual amount of “whispering” amongst the customers, the boss, and his wife, but I just thought they had “adult” things to talk about that they didn’t want me to hear.  Then before I knew it, time had come to close up and go home.

     At home, it was almost normal too.  And yet I couldn’t seem to shake this feeling that something was different.  We had our diner, got everything cleaned up, and were watching a little TV before I was going to get busy on some school work.   Then the “boot fell” (as the expression goes.)

     My Mother sent my sisters out of the room telling them that she had to talk to me.  Of course this made them even more curious to find out what was going on and I knew they had their ears against the door as she began to talk.

     “I had a visitor at work today,” she said.

     Her voice was calm but I could only imagine where this conversation was going.  Still I sat silent waiting what I imaged was going to be a scathing denunciation coming from her lips.

     “Don’t you want to know what it was about?”  She asked.

     “Of course I do, but I’m a little afraid to ask.  This entire day has been “different” but I can’t guess what’s been going on.”

     “What’s been going on is the FBI has been interviewing people all over town today about your job application.  You have been accepted!”

     I sat as my heart felt like it was sinking, but also having a great relief.  I guess sometimes “DIFFERENT” can be a GOOD thing!



"Do something today that may surprise your workmates --

actually WORK!"

Friday, October 20, 2017


     My mind drifts back to an old TV commercial about candy.  Their little jingle had a line in it that went:  “Sometimes you feel like a nut!  Sometimes you don’t!”  I remember it very well.  I loved that candy (and still do!)  And yesterday I think it was being the “sometimes like a nut” kind of day

     Everything I have started yesterday (at least in my mind) had turned into a BIG scribble on the page or either had gotten crumpled up and thrown into the trash.  I don’t know exactly what it was, but that’s the way it had been going.

     I thought I could “take a break” and things would hopefully “reset” themselves and start to work out for the better.  So I got up from my desk and went into our kitchen where my wife was looking over some of the Instagram posts she had received.

     “What would you think about taking a two hour lunch with me today?”  I asked her when I entered the room.  She sort of gave me that look like “what have you done?”  You husbands know what I’m talking about.  “I’m just not getting anything done this morning and I thought a break would get me going again.”  With that comment she was agreeable to the invitation and told me to wait ten minutes while she got ready.

     TWENTY minutes later she came back and was ready to go.  Now I’m not complaining because she came back looking even more beautiful than when she left the room, but that seemed like the longest TEN MINUTES I had ever waited. We left and went to our favorite eating place, leisurely ordered our meal, and spent the better part of the two hours laughing and enjoying our company together.  When we got back home I returned to my office knowing there had been a complete turnaround from the morning dilemmas.

     However, I was wrong!  After three or four attempts to put my thoughts to paper I was already scribbling through the lines and throwing pages into the trash.  After about an hour and half of miserable attempts to get something done I finally threw up my hands in defeat and walked out of the room.

     Today I returned to my office and sat at my desk.  I picked up my favorite writing pen and began to watch as the words flowed across the paper as if they were being written all by themselves.  Before I knew it about fifteen minutes had passed and I had completed this short little article for my blog post.

     It’s true; it’s not like some of the more in-depth articles that I have posted in the past.  But those were THEN, this is NOW!  I guess it really is true:  “Sometimes you feel like a nut - - - and Sometimes you don’t!”



"Sometimes the intelligence of some people can only be measured AFTER they speak."

Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Cleaning Day

     I took some time today to clean out some files from my desk draws and try to create a little more space in my home office.  At times it’s hard to imagine how much you have let “pile up” that really is no longer needed or even needed from the beginning, but you had decided to hang on to it for some reason.

     I found some papers from 1999!!!!  Yes you read that right – 19 -- 99!  There were some notes on products and services that I had considered trying to get into operation.  Now the ideas alone don’t make any sense.  I guess it’s because I’d like to think that in the past 18 years my concerns about what I would be doing to create income have drastically changed over that period of time.

     It seems at that period I was considering more concentration in the area of mail order and producing some “captured on disc” products that I could offer to the public.  Now with all the advancements in the digital age they seem a little antiquated as to their ability to sustain a lengthy time period of producing income.

     There was one item I found that I thought was an early beginning to my current writing career in hopes of producing income.  I had prepared a 20 page booklet entitled “What Must Baby Think?”  It was a humorous look at some comments that we make as adults and what a baby might conceive in his mind upon hearing these sayings.  I had also included some crude illustrations trying to depict these things in picture form.  Upon looking over some of the pages I can see why I should stick to writing and NOT illustrating.

     On the left hand side of the page I would put the adult “thoughts.”  On the right side of the page I would put the baby’s “thought process.” I’m not going to bore you with attempting an illustration of the process within this blog.  (Remember I found out:  I’m NO illustrator.)  But I will try to give you a “taste” of what the booklet was trying to portray.

     The left hand side of the page illustrated a “grandmotherly-type” lady adoringly looking down in the direction of the baby and saying:  “He looks like he has his father’s eyes.”

     On the right hand side of the page was an illustration of the baby sitting on the floor with a puzzled look on his face and “thinking”:  “How can Daddy see if I have his eyes?”

     This type of “back and forth” went on for several pages.  After reviewing the little booklet I decided it was time to put this endeavor in the trash bag and continue with my efforts to get the clean up finished.  If I stopped for every piece of “old” attempts I had made  I’m going to be at this a very L-O-N-G time.

     But, wait!   Here are some of my attempts to prepare a wedding disc to record a couple’s special moment in time!  Ah!  What memories!!!



"Trying and failing is better than never having tried."

Sunday, October 15, 2017


     I’d like to think of my life as ordinary.  What I mean is that I consider myself smarter than some and somewhat less intelligent than others.  I feel I’m better looking that some and not so when compared to others.  My work environment is better than many, but I’m sure there is room for improvement when compared to others.  I have a better financial situation than some and I’m “dirt poor” when stood beside the bank accounts of many.  I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m pretty much “the ordinary guy.”

     Now what does this have to do with anything?  From my perspective I’m what the normal “man in the street” might be if there was such a creature.  My point of view and opinion is about the same as the average person.  I’d like to think that to some my voice might carry a little more weight, but I’m sure to the vast majority I have NO reason to believe that ANYONE would be listening to what I had to say and place very much credence to the fact that MY voice would be the one that would sway any popular opinion polls.

     However, this seems to be just the thing that many businesses are trying to find out about the general population.  They spend MILLIONS (maybe Billions) in advertising every year to find out what the “Average” person is wanting to buy and how much they are willing to spend!  It’s amazing how they continue to spend these vast amounts of money to be able to “out do” their competition.

     Let me give you an example:  According to “The Statistics Portal”:  The United States is, by far, the largest advertising market in the world. In 2016, more than 190 billion U.S. dollars were spent in advertising in the United States. This figure is more than double the amount spent in advertising in China, the second largest ad market in the world. Forecasts show healthy projections for the ad market in the U.S. for 2017, as media advertising spending is expected to reach the 207 billion U.S. dollars mark this year. Television has been the biggest advertising medium in the United States in the last few years, but is projected to lose the market lead in 2017 to digital. TV advertising revenue was forecast to grow from 73 billion U.S. dollars in 2016 to around 75 billion U.S. dollars in 2017 and 82 billion in 2020.

    According to a New York Post an article by Sydney Ember in December 2015 stated:   Television has lost its longtime grip on advertising budgets as digital ad spending continues to surge, according to some of the advertising industry’s most closely watched forecasts to be released on Monday.

     Television ad sales are expected to fall slightly this year, decreasing globally for the first time ever aside from a recession year, according to the Interpublic Group’s Magna Global.

     TV will account for 38.4 percent of the $503 billion global ad market this year and will drop to 38 percent of the market in 2016, according to the forecast.

     In the meantime, digital media will continue its meteoric rise. Digital ad spending will grow 17.2 percent this year, to nearly $160 billion, and 13.5 percent in 2016, and is expected to overtake TV as the biggest advertising category by the end of 2017, the forecast says.

     The race by public opinion polls will continue to increase with the ever increasing desire to obtain the mighty dollar by businesses of all types and sizes.  There will be always the desire to project into the near and distant future the wants and to create desires for the many products and services that will be produced by the businesses of the world.


"When asked for your honest opinion - - - 
think carefully and be kind!"

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Needed Change

     It’s a warm summer day in October!  Many are already wondering what has happened to fall. I mentioned the other day in one of my blogs hat we had our first COLD day with the temperature down to thirty four degrees.  But today it’s gotten back up to eighty degrees.  Here in Colorado I’ve heard the old saying for years:  If you don’t like the weather just wait a few minutes and it will change.  That really seems to be the truth.  Now it may be that way in other areas, I’m not sure.  But here in the Colorful State of Colorado it’s not an exaggeration!

     It just made me think that a lot of times there are people that are just the same as the weather.  At times they can be in a very light, happy disposition and then in only a matter of minutes they become a person that you DON’T want to be around.  Why is that the case?  Certainly there are those who have mental problems and need to seek professional help including perhaps medications to help them control these extreme mode swings.  I’m NOT making any references to these because they cannot control the swings in their attitude without some type of aide.

     No!  I’m talking about people who just because of their nature they choose to be this split personality.  And it seems when things are not going their way the swing is even more dramatic.  Apparently from birth they were never trained to realize that things cannot always be the way they want them to be and when they’re not there are acceptable and unacceptable ways that they have to deal with it.  You probably all know the type of people I am talking about!  When they walk into the room it seems that everyone begins to “walk on eggshells” as the expression goes.

    The truth may be even more drastic than we want to admit.  WE may be one of these people and others are just too unnerved to even attempt to try to detail it for us.  Or there may have been some occasion where a “friend” has tried to explain it to us “politely” and we haven’t been receptacle to grasping the idea that they were talking about US!

     Do we “wear our emotions on our sleeve”?  And they don’t want to experience the commotion that we may create if they try to tell us about the way others are viewing us.  Maybe it’s just their way of being kind to us and letting us continue to live in our own little bubble: oblivious to the reality of what is going on around us.  Or maybe they don’t really care or want to take the time and get involved in our antics.  Whatever the case, I think we can all see that the real chance of change in our lives is going to be slim and none!  If that is the case for us, can’t we see it would be the same for others that may need this change also?

     Really if we truly loved and cared about our “friend” and their relationships with others wouldn’t we be doing them a great injustice if we allowed the situation to continue?  Wouldn’t we instead be doing them a great service by making them aware of how they truly appeared to those around them?  Might they resent our actions?  Perhaps even no longer wanting to be our friend?  Yes, that is possible!  But to help another achieve a needed change in their life, regardless of what it might involve or how we may be affected by the action, is the greatest joy we may be able to obtain.  An old saying that was shared with me many years ago certainly applies:  If you love someone, TELL THEM!



"You can't change all the minds in the world,
but you can change ONE!"

Monday, October 9, 2017


     Today was our first “COLD” day of the season.  It makes me wonder how many more we will have in the days ahead?  It also makes me consider some of the days of the past.  I grew up in a small middle Georgia town and most of our winters could get a bitter cold.  We had very little snow, but about every five years we would “ice” over.  When the wind blew it was a terribly cold chill in the air.  By the old post office the road had about a five percent incline.  It was enough when the ice hit to make most cars slide and spin and many could not even get to the top of that little hill.  I remember an older gentleman, the name eludes me today; however, he would sit his tow truck at the top of the hill and wench vehicles up the hill for $10 a pop.  I’m sure on some days he would make a nice amount of $10 bills hooking up and pulling those vehicles up to a safe point on the road   I recall an incident in the early seventies when my home town got SNOW!  I think the “official” record was about TWO inches.  I was in the military serving in Turkey at the time but my Mother sent me a picture she had taken of the road in front of our house.  ALL the drivers of the vehicles had abandoned their vehicles right there in the street.  There were four or five empty vehicles just sitting empty in the street!  I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

     That brings another story to mine when I was in Turkey.   I was living off base at the time and would have to take a bus from town to the base every day for work.  One morning that I got up and went to the bus stop I noticed that overnight we had received a heavy dew on the ground.  The streets only appeared a little wet.  After waiting for the bus for a little longer than I thought I should have another GI stopped and offered me a ride to the base.  After I got into the vehicle he explained to me that the buses weren’t running that day because of the “snow”!  I thought it was a little strange and we both had a good laugh about it while we drove to the base.  After getting to work, my Captain told me that most of the town had been closed because of the weather.  Later when we received the base newsletter it stated: “Community comes to stand still after being hit by the worst BLIZZARD in the past thirty five years!”  Again I could only laugh!

     Since moving to Colorado I understand a little better what COLD and SNOW are really about.  There have been several storms since I moved to this area which impressed on me what a REAL winter can be like.  In January of 1983the State was hit in some areas with some nineteen inches of snow.  Then only a couple of months later (in March) we were hit with another nineteen inches!  While being here in Colorado I’ve even seen it snow in JUNE!  Yes, I said June.  But what stays in my mind was the winter of 1997 (October).  Denver had over 21 inches of snow with drifts in some areas up to TEN FEET!  In our area in the southeast portion of the State I went to bed that evening expecting perhaps four inches of snow the next morning.  When we got up we had drifts over FOUR feet!  We couldn’t get our front door open and had to go out on the back deck and DIG our way around to the front.  Our van was covered with only about two inches of the antenna showing.

     So I sit here today with our first COLD air (34 degrees) of the season and I wonder what is this winter going to bring?  I guess I’ll have to be like everyone else and just wait and see!  If I could control the weather I’d be in a different line work and making A LOT more money!



"The snow is beautiful when you can stay at home
and watch it out the window."

Saturday, October 7, 2017

What's the Use?

     Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you have tried everything you can think of to make the situation better or solve your problem?  After you have done these things the situation changes but you are no better off than when you started --- maybe even worse!  You just want to throw up your hands and say “What’s the Use?”

     But that’s the funny thing about our human nature.  It seems when we are at our lowest this is when we begin to function at our best.  There’s something about NOT being able to solve a problem that makes us apply ourselves even greater in our efforts to gain a solution.  It seems that for a small percentage of the human population who develop the ability to refuse to accept failure there is a concerted effort to continue their progress on the path of gaining success.

     We can see this human persistence in the many decades of medical, mechanical, electronic, and space research that has been done.  In any of these areas when difficulties have arisen applications have been put into operation so that advancement could continue to move forward.  Sometimes this advancement seems to have been extremely quickly.  At other times the advancement was more slowly, but the advancement was continued never the less.  If we think back into history we can also realize that many, if not most, of the greatest inventions and discoveries came by the efforts of more than one individual.  Within their time of existence and with all the available knowledge and technology during their life span some individuals went as far as they could go with their experiments or inventions, but they could go no further.  Then, after years passed, other individuals picked up their work and continued to advance in their progress.  Or there are those circumstances where one invention is taken by an individual and given a new application to solve a new problem.  This happens more often than a person might imagine.  With these arrangements in place it all falls back to the tenacity of men and women who had the courage and the fortitude to refuse to accept failure as an option.  They continued to move forward to make the advancement of human kind the objective of all their efforts.

     But aside from great achievements throughout the centuries of human existence the human nature factor of mankind applies just as well in the smaller aspects of human life.  Consider the following fictional scenario as an example (although it could happen).  You and a friend have decided to take a hike through the mountainous country region close to your home.  After arriving in the area you set up your camp site and decide to take a brisk evening walk through the woods before night fall.  Before you realize it you are lost!  To add to the critical situation, your friend missteps on the side of the cliff, falling about thirty feet into a ravine and breaking his leg in three places. As you continue to reach your friend and provide him with medical assistance you realize that nightfall is quickly setting in and the temperature begins to drop drastically.  So, now you find yourself lost, with no contact with the “outside” world.  It is becoming darker and darker.  You estimate that your friends’ injuries are more serious than you thought and he is having difficulty staying conscious.  At this point you decide you have a choice to make:  You can throw up your hands and concede there is no happy ending to your situation and say “What’s the Use?”  Or you can access the possibilities and decide you are not going to accept failure as an option and fight your way to survival.

     We must NEVER forget that in EVERY situation we always have a choice.  We can give up or we can choose to move forward to a solution.  Maybe when we feel we are not getting the answers we need to our questions we need to re-evaluate:  Maybe we are asking the WRONG questions!  I’ve always loved the team motto from “Galaxy Quest” (great movie!  Look it up!):  “Never give up!  Never surrender!”



"When life hits you hard - - - 

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


     According to the dictionary empathy is “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.”  I think if we were able to do this more fully we would all be better people.  However there are many times that we don’t consider what the other person is going through.  It’s probably because we can’t really put ourselves into another person’s shoes.  We try to justify our own actions and thoughts instead of considering everything that another person may be dealing with in their life.

     Let’s be honest:  It’s not easy to show empathy to other people.  We haven’t had to “LIVE” their life.  We don’t know all the “little” things that they may be trying to deal with.  We may “SEE” a young, healthy looking person, but can’t imagine the mental problems they are fighting against within their mind.  You may see a charming grandmother who is constantly smiling and helping all those around her deal with THEIR problems.  But if we only knew that she is shunned by her children who no longer want anything to do with her.  And her husband is slowly losing his mental faculties.  He can’t remember her name or any of the events they shared in their lives together.  Inside she is barely able to continue to function on a daily basis.

     We see these people every day.  We walk past them wherever we go.  Most people don’t show all their despair on their shoulders, as the expression goes.  So, perhaps we walk by or we see them while out shopping and we speak to them but they don’t reply.  Don’t make a BIG deal out of it, but assume there must be SOME reason that we are not aware of to make them unresponsive.  Or perhaps when we try to comment and they respond in a harsh and truly mean fashion:  again do we really understand WHAT they are going through.  Could we show them more compassion and empathy?  Maybe we could at least pause and be willing to overlook their response or even their lack of any response.

     Consider some we may want to show more empathy to:  the homeless, older people, our schoolmates or workmates, or perhaps our marriage mate or another family member.  Remember that “crazy uncle” that is in every family?  Maybe he’s just the misunderstood family member that perhaps others haven’t taken the time to really understand.  Maybe he’s not as “crazy” as everyone thinks he is!

     Of course one major reason that we would want to be empathetic to others is that we want THEM to be empathetic toward US!  Let’s be honest!  There’s not one of us that doesn’t have OUR moments.  We have MANY things in our lives that push us to our limit and sometimes beyond!  We need the support of others.  We need their love and their understanding.  So, we need to treat them (ALL of them) the way we want to be treated ourselves.  Never forget that we are all in this game of life together.  Let’s help each other as much as we can.



"Don't judge people before you know them.
And when you KNOW them --- don't judge them!"