Friday, June 30, 2017

Are You Smarter Than a Rock?

     I used to ask my kids this question from time to time.  It seems they could look you square in the face with, supposedly, both eyes on you and listen to your EVERY word and then turn around and DO exactly what you just told them NOT to do!  I know it sounds crazy but if you’ve had children you know what I’m talking about.

     That being the way it was and probably remains pretty much the way today with children I devised a “test” for my kids and it went something like this.

     Whenever they were getting to a point where I thought they were no longer paying attention to me or my wife and I could tell that it was because they were not listening to (or following) our instructions I would tell them:  “Let’s go outside and I’ll let you walk through the yard and choose ANY rock you like.  Now let’s take that rock inside and we’ll have a test!”  It was important to let THEM pick the rock otherwise they would blame you for picking a really SMART rock.

     After getting the rock, we would go back inside and I would have my child sit on one end of the sofa and I would place the rock on the other end of the sofa.  My instructions were then simple:  Who was going to prove themselves smarter?  My child or the rock!

     After I had gotten them situated on the sofa and explained that the test would involve a series of “requests” and then we could find out who was going to be the smarter by following the instructions given.

     I would look at the rock and very pointedly exclaim:  “Don’t move!” And of course the rock would sit there completely motionless.  My child would get very excited and say: “Dad, of course, the rock is not going to move!”  My reply would be:  “You’re right!  It’s not going to move because I told it not to move.”  Now I’d look at my child and once again very pointedly exclaim:  “Don’t move!”  Almost immediately my child would become very active in replying:  “There’s no fun just sitting on the couch.”  And at times would even get up and walk over to me to explain why they thought this was not a very good test.  I’d stop them and inquire:  “Are you going to let the rock be smarter than you?  It still hasn’t moved since I told it not to and here you are walking all over the room!”

    I would have my child go back to the sofa so we could do one more test.  I’d get very serious and look at the rock: “Your mother and I are trying to talk so I want you to be quiet and not say a word!”  I’d even put my hand to my ear as if I were trying to hear the rock speak.  My child would get very excited again and exclaim:  “But, Dad, the rock is not going to say anything because it can’t talk!”  And I would reply:  “No, the rock is not going to say anything because I told it not to speak.”  Then I would look at my child and ask: “When I tell you to be quiet what usually happens?”  My child’s head would slowly drop as they replied: “I usually keep talking.”  So one again I inquired:  “Who’s smarter you or the rock?”  My child would get the point and tell me: “I want to be smarter than a rock!”

     Now this may sound like a very silly, childish approach in trying to convey to my child the need to pay attention and follow the instructions they had been given.  But, it’s a lesson that we could all give better attention to.  At times we all find ourselves in situations that truly require our ability to follow instructions.  It may even be a “life or death” circumstance that we have to face.  Let us start practicing a little more patience and a lot more submission to those who are in a position of oversight and let’s every day prove that WE are smarter than a rock!



"If CON is the opposite of PRO ---
is CONGRESS the opposite of PROGRESS?"

Wednesday, June 28, 2017


    It seems like in this country and maybe it’s true in others too that the more the “government for the people” attempts to provide for the needs of its people everything gets worse!  I have never seen so much confusion and discontent within an organization than I have seen within the Senate and Congress of the United States within the last few years.

    Imagine, if you will, if you were trying to run your personal company the way the “officials” try to run the government!  You would never get anything done.  If your company was running out of money (and you can’t just print more or “increase” the ceiling on your debt limit like the government does) and you had only 21 days to get a “fix” in place:  Would you decide THAT was the time to go home and take a two week vacation from your job?  I don’t think so!  You would probably be up at night, staying late and even coming in on the week-ends to get this matter corrected.  But the government can decide to do that, regardless of the fact that some departments may shut down and some may be forced to work “without pay” until the government “leaders” return and get the situation corrected.  For some reason, I think that if the Senators and Congressmen were told:  “This situation WILL be concluded by THIS date OR YOUR pay AND benefits would cease until it gets corrected.”  I think you would get a lot more work done in a faster pace than you could imagine!

     It’s estimated that the government wastes some $2 BILLION per day of taxpayers’ money.  But it always seems when truly needed programs are brought before them they cannot find the available funds to get the program operational.  What are some of these wastes?

     According to the Heritage Foundation the government spends some $8 BILLION in operating costs in duplicate programs and government departments.

     The Global Hawk, a drone, costs $200 MILLION when a $40 MILLION U2 does a better job taking pictures and its 50 years old!

     Look at the areas of criminal, corruption, and fraud!  Medicare (according to an FBI report) has $57 BILLION in estimated fraudulent activities in the system ANNUALLY!  And a commission on Wartime Contracting states that corruption by defense contractors may be as high as $60 BILLION in Iraq and Afghanistan.  And it probably goes on in other areas of government operations also.

    These are GENERAL waste figures that have been documented in various reports and studies.  However, consider some specific “projects” that the government has decided needed a portion of the taxpayer’s money.

     It almost seems as though Congress actually enjoys inventing new ways to waste U.S. taxpayer money.  It seems nearly inconceivable that anyone could keep a straight face while trying to justify spending money on many of the things in the list below.

     At a time when the U.S. national debt is closing in on 14 trillion dollars, government waste just seems more out of control than ever.  The following are 20 of the craziest things that the U.S. government is spending money on….

#1 A total of $3 million has been granted to researchers at the University of California at Irvine so that they can play video games such as World of Warcraft.  The goal of this “video game research” is reportedly to study how “emerging forms of communication, including multiplayer computer games and online virtual worlds such as World of Warcraft and Second Life can help organizations collaborate and compete more effectively in the global marketplace.”

#2 The U.S. Department of Agriculture gave the University of New Hampshire $700,000 this year to study methane gas emissions from dairy cows.

#3 $615,000 was given to the University of California at Santa Cruz to digitize photos, T-shirts and concert tickets belonging to the Grateful Dead.

#4 A professor at Stanford University received $239,100 to study how Americans use the Internet to find love.  So far one of the key findings of this “research” is that the Internet is a safer and more discreet way to find same-sex partners.

#5 The National Science Foundation spent $216,000 to study whether or not politicians “gain or lose support by taking ambiguous positions.”

#6 The National Institutes of Health spent approximately $442,340 to study the behavior of male prostitutes in Vietnam.

#7 Approximately $1 million of U.S. taxpayer money was used to create poetry for the Little Rock, New Orleans, Milwaukee and Chicago zoos.  The goal of the “poetry” is to help raise awareness on environmental issues.

#8 The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs spent $175 million during 2010 to maintain hundreds of buildings that it does not even use.  This includes a pink, octagonal monkey house in the city of Dayton, Ohio.

#9 $1.8 million of U.S. taxpayer dollars went for a “museum of neon signs” in Las Vegas, Nevada.

#10 $35 million was reportedly paid out by Medicare to 118 “phantom” medical clinics that never even existed.  Apparently these “phantom” medical clinics were established by a network of criminal gangs as a way to defraud the U.S. government.

#11 The Conservation Commission of Monkton, Vermont got $150,000 from the federal government to construct a “critter crossing”.  Thanks to U.S. government money, the lives of “thousands” of migrating salamanders are now being saved.

#12 In California, one park received $440,000 in federal funds to perform “green energy upgrades” on a building that has not been used for a decade.

#13 $440,955 was spent this past year on an office for former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert that he rarely even visits.

#14 One Tennessee library was given $5,000 in federal funds to host a series of video game parties.

#15 The U.S. Census Bureau spent $2.5 million on a television commercial during the Super Bowl that was so poorly produced that virtually nobody understood what is was trying to say.

#16 A professor at Dartmouth University received $137,530 to create a “recession-themed” video game entitled “Layoff”.

#17 The National Science Foundation gave the Minnesota Zoo over $600,000 so that they could develop an online video game called “Wolfquest”.

#18 A pizzeria in Iowa was given $60,000 to renovate the pizzeria’s facade and give it a more “inviting feel”.

#19 The U.S. Department of Agriculture gave one enterprising group of farmers $30,000 to develop a tourist-friendly database of farms that host guests for overnight “haycations”.  This one sounds like something that Dwight Schrute would have dreamed up.

#20 Almost unbelievably, the National Institutes of Health was given $800,000 in “stimulus funds” to study the impact of a “genital-washing program” on men in South Africa.

     With ALL these crazy “projects” which are often they are done ONLY for the sake of a Congressman or Senator “making points” with someone or some organization.  However, we have to admit that much of the government “waste” on overspending for so-called “operating expenses” is due to the fact that American citizens are “shooting themselves in the foot” by creating or scamming the government out of money.  Where do we think the money comes from that the government spends?  It comes from US!  We have to pay all those bills for services and goods that the government approves.  But we are funny that way.  When we “think” it’s NOT OUR MONEY we’re more liberal with our spending.  But again --- we’re only human!



"Consider laughing more.  It doesn't cost you a thing
and others may decide to join you.!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017


     The Great American Pastime --- Baseball!  Some people can take it or leave it.  Others are almost fanatical about it.  They will watch the game, then the replays, and follow that up with ALL the commentaries!

     But let’s really take a look at the game and its place within American history.  The first mention of baseball in the United States was in 1792 in a Pittsfield, Massachusetts law banning the playing of the game within 80 yards of the town meeting house.  The first team to play under modern rules was the New York Knickerbockers in New York City.  The club was formed on September 23, 1845 as a social club for the upper middle classes.  I doubt that those individuals could have conceived what the sport was to become in our day and age.

     When you consider what has happened during the past 200+ years.  Consider the wars that have been fought by this country.  Even when it reached a point in the early 1940s when there really weren’t enough men available to continue a sustained league of players for the American public, they turned to the ladies to carry on the tradition.  I’m not sure HOW much “poetic license” was taken, but the movie “A League of Their Own” released in 1992 made a very nice portrayal of the events, in my opinion, even though it was a fictional account of the Rockford Peaches.

     Look too at the economy.  It has been a roller coaster over the decades.  The ups and the downs have been, in some cases, unbelievable.  Again throughout all these “bull” or “bear” markets there was the game of baseball.  Regardless of the financial status people found themselves in, there was always those opportunities to have their minds distracted for a few hours while watching a baseball game and rooting for their favorite team.

     Think about this game.  Taking a stick and trying your best to hit a ball as far as you can.  Or perhaps placing a strategic hit that is illusive to the players on the opposite team and you are able to make it to first base --- perhaps even farther!  Of course the opposing team is trying to do its best to prevent you and your team mates from making those base advancements and finally crossing “home” plate and scoring a run.

     The beginning confrontation starts with the batter facing the pitcher who will make every ball thrown one that the batter is unable to hit.  These may be “strikes” and there may be “balls” but every attempt is to prevent the batter from screaming the ball into the outfield, perhaps going over the fence for a home run!  And with each pitch that is made the complexity of what events MAY occur is truly mind-boggling!  Will he hit the ball?  Will it be a “fair” ball or a “fowl” one?  If it is hit “fair” where will it go?  There are SO MANY possible outcomes and THAT is what makes the game so interesting to millions of people each week.

     So regardless of the inspiring things that may be going on in the world, or even the terrible things that are happening --- there is ALWAYS baseball!  Yes there are other sports activities that many people enjoy watching or participating in, but for me it’s the Great American Pastime --- BASEBALL!


"Remember:  There's no I in TEAM,
but there is in ice cream!"

Sunday, June 18, 2017


     Earlier this month I had to spend a few days in the hospital with a bad back.  They took really good care of me and I’ve been doing better since I got out.  I am taking physical therapy twice a week in a pool.  I think it is great and I’m feeling much better.  The only problem is this has put me behind on several project around the house and my writing.  So I’ve been sitting over my tablet for a couple of days and I am coming up blank!

     You would think it wouldn’t be that difficult to come up with some type of thoughts that you could put down on paper.  I know that sound crazy in this technology age, but I always put my thoughts on paper BEFORE I type them into my computer.  I’ve always gotten some “comfort” from feeling the pen in my hand flow across the paper as the words unfold.  And considering the past few days I have set with my writing pad in my lap and my pen in my hand and the words just don’t come.  It’s a really strange feeling to just sit and stare at a blank page!

     Then a great fear came across me when the thought drifted through my mind: What if NOTHING comes into my mind to write about?  How long would I have to sit and be unable to come up with some type of subject that I could expand upon for my readers?  What if those thoughts NEVER came?  How could I face a BLANK entry on my blog site with NOTHING there?

     Now I started thinking about various times in my life and I’m certain it’s true for others, when we might have said NOTHING was going on or maybe NOTHING had happened.  Really we meant that the “every day” events had occurred, but there was really NOTHING major or earth-shattering going on to talk about.  But I guess that’s somewhat of a relative prospective to take.  Let’s say your “daily” activities consisted of disarming explosive devices.  And during each day’s activities about five of those devices would explode before you got them disarmed.  Today there were only TWO such explosions that occurred.  I guess to some degree there was really NOTHING to talk about during the course of the day’s activities!

     To some degree, and that is probably a very small degree, I feel like that today.  Normally my pen hits the surface of the paper and I almost don’t have to think! Once I have my subject in mind the words just begin to flow as the pen tracks back and forth across the lines of the page.  You might think it almost impossible to consider that such a thing could happen.  But it does!  This is called writer’s block: that condition in which an author loses the ability to produce new work or experiences a creative slowdown.  It’s not uncommon either.  Professionals who have struggled with this affliction include authors such as F. Scott Fitzgerald and Joseph Mitchell, comic strip cartoonist Charles M. Schulz and even British songwriter Adele!  Now I am by no means trying to imply that just because I can’t place a few words together for a personal blog that I am placing myself in the company of or the talent of those individuals previously named.  But it is nice to know that I’m not alone and that others, far more professional than I am, have found themselves with the same dilemma.

     Now that I’m thinking about it I guess I have written quite a few words for this blog even though I thought I had NOTHING to say!


"Look for the good in everyone ---
it's GOT to be in there somewhere!"

Thursday, June 15, 2017


     I was having somewhat of a sleepless night and about mid-night I had to get out of bed and move to my recliner in the front room.  I was sitting there for several minutes and then it dawned on me that in a couple of hours it would be the end of winter.  Spring would finally be making an appearance.  For me here in the Mountain states that was to occur that morning, March 20, 2017 at 4:29 AM. Since I couldn’t really sleep anyway, I thought I’d just stay awake and watch “the change” take place.

     I was a little drowsy but I fought the inclinations to fall asleep and I continued with great anticipation awaiting the FIRST signs of spring!  I’m not sure HOW I was able to do it, but I did!  So I got myself positioned in front of our living room window and watched the wall cock tick down the minutes.  Then, as if I had been waiting for a great marching band to come storming down the street, my pulse began to race and the minute hand “clicked” into position!  It was 4:29 AM and spring was here!  I came out of my seat and stood starring out the window.  I heard the minute hand “click” once more.  It was 4:30 AM!  I continued to look out the window.  I’m not exactly sure what I was expecting to see, but I thought there would be SOMETHING!

     Then the minute hand “clicked” again.  It was 4:31 AM!  Everything looked the same as it had a few minutes earlier.  There was no great shift in the cosmos or, at least, a slight tremor in the earth.  Nothing!  The moment came and the moment passed!  Here we were in spring and for some reason I thought I had been cheated out of one of the greatest spectacles to occur in months. But I guess the let-down had actually come because of the anticipation I had created in my own mind and heart so that the actuality didn’t exactly measure up to what I was looking for.  This is something we do in other areas of our lives as well.  Just consider the following two:

     Marriage:  People sometimes spend months (in some cases over a year) planning their perfect wedding day.  All the things that have to be prepared:  the location, the guest list, the cake, the reception, and don’t forget the wedding party!  With all these things taking place and nerves that intensify, the final weeks and days before the big event, its understandable the tension and anxiety that goes through all the people involved.  Then the big day comes, and after about a 30-60 minute program, you’re married!  Regardless of all the anticipation you had going into the wedding, very soon the reality of day-to-day living begins to set in.  Often one or both parties in this arrangement begin to feel like they have been cheated!  Actually BEING married doesn’t “live up to” their anticipation!

     The second area of discussion is HAVING A BABY!  Again here is a period of months that the exciting event covers with various hopes:  Is it going to be a boy or a girl?  Is it going to be healthy?  And there are MANY other “what ifs” to consider.  There’s going to be a period of getting the room (or at least a space) ready for the baby when it leaves the hospital.  There will be ALL those doctor visits and all the exams and those cute little pictures they give you where you TRY to figure out what you’re looking at!  Then the delivery passes and the Mom and baby come home “to real life.”  Sadly some Moms have found that the reality of caring for a baby was not what they anticipated when they were “expecting” the baby.  Often terrible things are done because of their feelings.

     I’d like to point out that I’m not against marriage. I’ve been very happily married to a wonderful and beautiful lady for over 49 years.  And I’m not against families having babies.  We have three incredible children who have grown into wonderful family members themselves.  What I’m trying to express is that at times we take situations as I have mentioned (and there are many others) and build up in our minds what WE THINK is going to be the condition, circumstances or events and we anticipate HOW things are going to turn out.  Then when they are different from our expectations we, at times, are unable or unwilling to deal with them.

     You just have to remember, that in life, not everyone is dealt a perfect hand.  In fact, NO ONE is!  There are NO reset buttons in life!  You have to make the best you can out of what you have.  Is it always fair?  NO!  Is it always just?  NO!  But we change the things we can, where possible, and we live with the rest the best we can.  The biggest problem we have --- we’re only human!



"Marriage ---
the union of two wonderful forgivers."

Saturday, June 10, 2017

What Time Is It?

     Many times we find ourselves in situations when we constantly look at our “clocks.”  I use this expression in quotes because today I’m surprised at how many people no longer wear a wrist watch.  My son explained it to me this way: “Why should I wear a watch when I can get the time by looking at my phone?”  I guess he has a point about that, but I still feel my watch is part of my jewelry.  I would almost consider myself not completely dressed if I went out without my watch on my wrist.

     But, before I get too carried away on the timepiece topic I want to get back on the actual subject that I am intending to write on: “Knowing the time!”  Often we sit at a business meeting or in a classroom in school or college and before we realize it we find ourselves gazing at our watches.  Or maybe there is a wall clock that periodically demands our attention.  This happens to all of us even if we are trying our best to pay attention to the subject under discussion by our lecturer or teacher.

     Now here’s the honest fact that we usually don’t realize or we don’t know ourselves:  When we look at our watch (or phone) or even the clock on the wall, we don’t REALLY want to know what time it is!  We want to know HOW much time is left.  Or WHEN is this going to be over?

     We do this for almost all events in our lives.  Sometimes we even do it when someone is talking to us.  We try to “calculate”:  how much longer is this “wind bag” going to continue to talk about this subject that I basically don’t have any interest in WHATSOEVER!

     You know this is true!  When it is a topic that you enjoy, or an exciting movie you’ve been waiting to watch, or maybe (it it’s your taste) a night out at the performing arts center, the time seems to quickly pass you by and you are very surprised that it’s over.  We do this concerning many events in our lives and the results can usually depend upon our perception of time.  Listen to this brief review of events in a person’s life (mine) and see if you don’t agree with it.

     When I was a younger boy about the age of twelve I found out that at sixteen I could get my driver’s license.  That would open up to my life what I thought to be unbelievable possibilities!  During those four years I began to feel that I was NEVER going to be sixteen.  But, in spite of my beliefs I eventually turned sixteen and got my license.  Then I began to think when I turn eighteen I’ll be an “adult.”  So many more things would be opened to me once I reached that pivotal period in my life.  I actually felt that those two additional years took longer than the previous four!  I even remember looking at the calendar proposing that “additional” days had been added to the calendar just to hinder my advancement to that wonderful age.  But this period too finally passed by and I became eighteen.

     Of course, with all advancements in maturity I now decided that twenty-one was the “magic” age to be.  Additional legal opportunities would then be available to me and I would become a “real” man.  Those additional three years, like those of the past, seemed to go by so slowly.  I wondered if I should check with some scientific organization for verification that the twenty-four hour day had not been extended for some reason.  Now stay with me here because, in time, I did eventually turn twenty-one and NO major earth shattering events occurred in the scope of the cosmic time keeping system.

     But my life was getting more involved with family life, military service, and even secular employment afterwards.  The slowly passing of time somehow seemed to catch up to me (and in some respects passed me.)  Before I knew it I was twenty-five, then thirty, thirty-five, forty!  When was this going to slow back down?  Forty-five flew by, then fifty and so on!

     Now, looking back, all those years had 365 days (allowing for the leap years).  They all went by at the same speed.  It was my perception of that passing time that made it seem like it was creeping by or it was passing quickly.  Having reached my later sixties and swiftly approaching seventy, I still look at my watch or the clock on the wall.  I still ask myself: “What time is it?”  But I now understand a little better that what I really want to know is:  HOW much time is left?

"Be generous to others ---
one day YOU may be the one in need."

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Deep No 2 --- Levitation

     You’ve seen them on street corners and even on the stages of large Las Vegas showrooms.  Magicians who practice their “art” in front of small groups of individuals or perhaps hundreds in a showroom or literally millions if the performance is televised.  And often part of their “act” includes a performance of levitation!  What really is levitation?

     Levitation (from Latin levitas "lightness") is the process by which an object is held aloft, without mechanical support, in a stable position.

     Levitation is accomplished by providing an upward force that counteracts the pull of gravity (in relation to gravity on earth), plus a smaller stabilizing force that pushes the object toward a home position whenever it is a small distance away from that home position. The force can be a fundamental force such as magnetic or electrostatic, or it can be a reactive force such as optical, buoyant, aerodynamic, or hydrodynamic.

     Levitation excludes floating at the surface of a liquid because the liquid provides direct mechanical support. Levitation excludes hovering flight by insects, hummingbirds, helicopters, rockets, and balloons because the object provides its own counter-gravity force.

     Levitation techniques are useful tools in physics research. For example, levitation methods are useful for high-temperature melt property studies because they eliminate the problem of reaction with containers and allow deep undercooling of melts. The containerless conditions may be obtained by opposing gravity with a levitation force instead of allowing an entire experiment to freefall.

     But, outside of physics, is levitation an actual act that can be performed by “normal” people?  That is the important question.  Perhaps it isn’t the “normal” persons’ activity, but could such an ability exist today or has it become a “lost art?”

     Did ancient civilizations possess knowledge that has since been lost to science? Were amazing technologies available to the ancient Egyptians that enabled them to construct the pyramids -- technologies that have somehow been forgotten?

     The ruins of several ancient civilizations -- from Stonehenge to the pyramids -- show that they used massive stones to construct their monuments. A basic question is why?

     Why use stone pieces of such enormous size and weight when the same structures could have been constructed with more easily managed smaller blocks -- much like we use bricks and cinderblocks today?

     Could part of the answer be that these ancients had a method of lifting and moving these massive stones -- some weighing several tons -- that made the task as easy and manageable as lifting a two-pound brick? The ancients, some researchers suggest, may have mastered the art of levitation, through sonics or some other obscure method, which allowed them to defy gravity and manipulate massive objects with ease.

     How the great pyramids of Egypt were built has been the subject of debate for millennia. The fact is, no one really knows for certain exactly how they were constructed. The current estimates of mainstream science contends that it took a workforce of 4,000 to 5,000 men 20 years to build the Great Pyramid using ropes, pulleys, ramps, ingenuity and brute force.

     And that very well may have been the case. But there is an intriguing passage in a history text by the 10th century Arab historian, Abul Hasan Ali Al-Masudi, known as the Herodotus of the Arabs. Al-Masudi had traveled much of the known world in his day before settling in Egypt, and he had written a 30-volume history of the world.  He too was struck by the magnificence of the Egyptian pyramids and wrote about how their great stone blocks were transported.

     First, he said, a "magic papyrus" (paper) was placed under the stone to be moved. Then the stone was struck with a metal rod that caused the stone to levitate and move along a path paved with stones and fenced on either side by metal poles. The stone would travel along the path, wrote Al-Masudi, for a distance of about 50 meters and then settle to the ground. The process would then be repeated until the builders had the stone where they wanted it.

     The Egyptian pyramids are not the only ancient structures constructed of huge blocks of stone. Far from it. Great temples and monuments around the world contain stone components of incredible size, yet little is known about their means of construction.

  • The Temple of Jupiter at Baalbek.  Lebanon has a foundation that contains the three largest stone blocks ever used in a man-made structure. Each block is estimated to weigh as much as 1,000 tons! No super crane in existence today could lift one, yet they are positioned together with such precision that not even a needle could fit between them. Nearby is an even bigger stone. Known as Hajar el Hibla -- the Stone of the Pregnant Woman -- it lies abandoned in its quarry, never used. But the giant rectangular block is the largest piece of stone ever cut by humans, weighing an incredible 1,200 tons. It is estimated that it would require the strength of 16,000 men to even budge it, and represents a formidable challenge to 20th century machines and technology.
  • On an isolated plateau at Tiahuanaco, Bolivia, 13,000 feet above sea level, stands an impressive monument called Puerta del Sol, or Sun Gate. The elaborately carved gate weighs an estimated 10 tons, and how it arrived at its present location is a mystery.
  • Nan Madol, sometimes called "the Machu Pichu of the Pacific," is a great ruins on the island of Pohnpei, capital of the Federated States of Micronesia. This lost city, constructed around 200 B.C., is made up of hundreds of stacked stone logs, each about 18-feet-long and several feet in diameter. The logs, stacked like cordwood, constitute walls that are 40 feet high and 18 feet thick. Each stone log is estimated to weigh about 2.5 tons. How they were moved and lifted into position is unknown.

    What was the secret these diverse and ancient cultures possessed to manipulate these great stone blocks? A massive supply of slave labor straining human muscle and ingenuity to their limits? Or was there another more mysterious way? It's remarkable that these cultures leave no record of how these structures were constructed. However, "in almost every culture where megaliths exist," according to 432:Cosmic Key, "a legend also exists that the huge stones were moved by acoustic means -- either by the chanted spells of magicians, by song, by striking with a magic wand or rod (to produce acoustic resonance), or by trumpets, gongs, lyres, cymbals or whistles."

     How unfortunate that these secrets of levitation - if they ever existed - are lost to antiquity or the remoteness of the Himalayas. They seem to be forever elusive to modern Western man. Or are they?

    Beginning in 1920, Edward Leedskalnin, a 5-ft. tall, 100-lb. Latvian immigrant, began to build a remarkable structure in Homestead, Florida. Over a 20-year period, Leedskalnin single-handedly build a home he originally called "Rock Gate Park," but has since been named Coral Castle. [Note: You can get more information and arrange a visit to the museum by visiting]  Working in secret - often at night - Leedskalnin was somehow able to quarry, fashion, transport and constructed the impressive edifices and sculptures of his unique home from large blocks of heavy coral rock.

     It's estimated that 1,000 tons of coral rock were used in construction of the walls and towers, and an additional 100 tons of it were carved into furniture and art objects:

  • An obelisk he raised weighs 28 tons.
  • The wall surrounding Coral Castle stands 8 ft. tall and consists of large blocks each weighing several tons.
  • Large stone crescents are perched atop 20-ft.-high walls.
  • A 9-ton swinging gate that moves at the touch of a finger guards the eastern wall.
  • The largest rock on the property weighs an estimated 35 tons.
  • Some stones are twice the weight of the largest blocks in the Great Pyramid at Giza.

     All this he did alone and without heavy machinery. No one was ever witness to how Leedskalnin was able to move and lift such enormous objects, although it is claimed that some spying teenagers saw him "float coral blocks through the air like hydrogen balloons."

     Leedskalnin was highly secretive about his methods, saying only at one point, "I have discovered the secrets of the pyramids. I have found out how the Egyptians and the ancient builders in Peru, Yucatan and Asia, with only primitive tools, raised and set in place blocks of stone weighing many tons."  If Leedskalnin had indeed rediscovered the ancient secrets of levitation, he took them with him to his grave.

     So, outside the “trickery” of modern day “magicians” could the secret of this art still be hidden in the archives of history?  We may never know, but there are times when I let my mind wonder and I think my body begins to “rise” from its stationary position.  At least in my mind!


"Those who teach have a lot to offer,
if those who need to learn would only listen!"

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Have You Ever Thought of Pausing?

     I wonder at times how different things would be if more people paused before they acted or said something.  I know I can think back on more than one occasion where I now wish I had done that.  There are times when you open your mouth, the words fall out, and you immediately wish you could “suck them” back into your mouth!  And you add to that many times when you did something and then wish you could hit the “undo” button and have it all disappear as if it had never happened.  Or perhaps, at least, have changed the way you did it!  Because of such actions or speech you are “reminded” YEARS later that maybe it wasn’t the best thing to have said or done at that time!

     Or maybe it was one of those times when you disclosed a ‘secret” from your heart to someone you thought would respond favorably, or at least, would be understanding to your feelings.  Then you learned that was NOT a very good thing to have done at that moment.  Again, years later, you continue to be inflicted by the pain of having done or said what you did!  It just seems to me now, and maybe this is because with the passage of time comes wisdom, that you should have – paused – and really thought this matter through.  I’m certain we have ALL had such experiences in our lives and can fully understand what I am talking about.

     There’s a good possibility that if we had only paused --- thought of some of the pain, suffering and heartache we could have saved ourselves:  Remember when that guy at the bar told you “Let’s take this discussion outside!”  Maybe you should have taken a moment, paused, and maybe decided NOT to go outside with him.  Ladies remember when your best girl friend told you: “Oh, honey!  This is going to make your hair look beautiful!”  Don’t you wish now you had paused and thought it over more carefully BEFORE you went ahead and did it anyway?  And when was the last time your wife told you the car was making “that funny sound” again and you told her: “Honey, ALL cars make that sound sooner or later.”  Looking back maybe you should have paused and given some serious thought to the wise reminder she was trying to give you.  Especially should you think about it when you’re sitting in the car stranded in the “middle of nowhere!”  It would have probably been a LOT less expensive than it turned out to be only if you had listened!

     We both know that this list could go on and on.  Let’s be honest when we look back: probably MOST of these types of situations could have been avoided or perhaps the results lessened to some degree if we had only stopped --- paused --- and given some serious consideration to the results that are going to develop.  Could doing this illuminate ALL bad decisions we make?  Probably not!  But maybe many of them could be.  However, we all become responsible for the decisions we make and must accept and live with the results.

     So the next time we are faced with a decision (one that IS NOT a life or death immediate type of decision) maybe we should pause for a few minutes, or even “sleeping on it” overnight might not be a bad idea.  Whether we will or not is an entirely different subject.  But we should, at least, give ourselves the option to reconsider what our decision may be.  Considering all that has been written, now I’m wondering if I should have even written this blog on the subject.  Well maybe I’ll just hit the “delete” button - - - - - - or maybe NOT!


"You can't make a change for the better if you keep doing
the same mistakes that cause failure."