Friday, June 25, 2021

A Successful Mind-Set


     I can only imagine the thoughts that might go through your mind when you hear the phrase “positive thinking.”  Many people feel that whatever you are facing or dealing with is “all in your head!”  And to some degree they are probably correct.  There has been a lot of things written about positive or optimistic thinking.  You can read a few of the points at

     The same can be true about having thoughts concerning the idea of the correct mind-set!  You hear it all the time: "success is a state of mind."  There are people who would argue that success is a natural result of proper planning, preparation and focused action, and that viewpoint certainly holds a grain of truth - but there are also many exceptions to disprove that "rule."  Have you ever wondered how two people can attempt the same objective in the same way and only one of them succeeds?  Is it sheer luck?  Timing?  Tenacity?  More often than not, it's a person's mind-set that determines whether they fail or succeed.

     What is a mind-set, anyway?  Typically a mind-set refers to your predominant state of mind day-to-day.  It's what you think about, focus on, and expect from your daily experiences.  Think negatively, expect the worst, feel pessimistic about your options and that's exactly what you'll seem to draw into your life.  Likewise, think positively, expect the best and focus on a successful outcome and you get it, most of the time.  Just like the previous topic of positive thinking, the subject of mind-set has numerous amounts of available information for your consideration.  To review an example of one who believes that your mind-set determines success or failure, see  Now if you’re one who thinks that it doesn’t matter how you think on matters, you might like to consider and challenge your negativity on the subject of mind-set!

     Really, when you think about the primary point of thinking positive, being positive and when thinking negatively, being negative, it makes sense, right?  But how exactly does this work?  Why is a successful, positive, mind-set so important?  There are three big reasons:

A successful mind-set boosts your confidence and self-belief.

     A lack of belief in yourself usually comes along with a sense of powerlessness and futility, which is the exact opposite of a successful mind-set.  Lack of confidence means you see no point in trying to be successful because it won't happen anyway.  Obviously, this type of mind-set is a recipe for failure in any endeavor.  Whatever your venture --- you’ve tried, and you failed!  You feel that should be the end of the process.  When you were growing up did you never hear: “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try, again?”  There was a reason you were told this.  We can learn from our mistakes (at least we should learn)!  We can become better and more confident as we continue to move forward. 

     Having a truly successful mind-set, on the other hand, means you believe in yourself and your capabilities.  You believe you can succeed at nearly anything you try, and you're willing to give it your best shot.  Even better, the more you do try, the more confidence and self-belief you build - until you're virtually unstoppable!  You will actually learn from your failures and become better.  At times you may only need some inspirational support.  Consider these quotes:

A successful mind-set strengthens your determination.

     Without a successful mind-set, one failure is enough to convince you that pursuing your goals is a waste of time.  Tenacity and determination don't exist in your world.  If you don't become a raging success the first time you try, you surmise that it simply wasn't meant to be.  Unfortunately, few things worth having are obtained so easily! Never forget: “It’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog” that produces the tenacity to continue against all odds.

     A successful mind-set strengthens your awareness that a failure is not the end of the story - it's just one more way that didn't work out the way you planned.  In fact, a truly successful mind-set makes it obvious that the only true failure occurs when you stop trying.  Whatever the circumstances might be that you have to face, you have never lost until you quit!  You might want to consider 100 quotes about quitters!  However, one of my personal favorites came from the movie Galaxy Quest in which Commander Jason Nesmith (character played by actor Tim Allen) says: “Never give-up, never surrender.”

A successful mind-set encourages fruitful actions.

     Have you ever found yourself wandering in circles because you didn't know the best way to approach a specific goal?  Perhaps you had an idea of the best course of action but you felt intimidated by some of the action steps required.  As a result, you may have kept sabotaging your efforts as you searched in vain for an easier or less frightening way to your goal.  Or at times you may (perhaps even subconsciously) have a fear of succeeding so you “shoot yourself in the foot” as the saying goes, so you’ll fail and then be able to declare to others that you tried but it just couldn’t be done!

     With a truly successful mind-set, you'll always know the most effective action steps that will lead directly to your goal.  As already discussed, you'll also have the inner confidence and determination to pursue them - which is a sure recipe for . . . you guessed it; success!

     If I had to sum up how to develop a successful mind-set into as few words as possible, I'd make a list like this: 

Go for your dreams.

Think positively.

Believe in yourself.

Believe you can do better.

Learn, grow and develop yourself.

Be willing to take chances.

Give it your all.

Expect the best in every situation.

Be willing to fail.

When you fall down, get back up and try again.

     Keep doing the things I have listed above and you can't help but become successful, from the inside out.  The only real enemy to your success that you will have a constant battle with is --- YOU!  That will always be your struggle because we’re only human!



"If you know you can, you can!

If you know you can't, you can't!"

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