Friday, July 3, 2020



    I finished my regular walking program this morning and began to think about this subject of walking.  First, I say my regular walking program, but I haven’t walked regularly in several years.  I just started back this week.  So actually, my regular walking program has only been for three times at this point.  However, that’s not the reason for my writing on this topic.

     When we are babies, we reach a point where we realize there’s got to be a faster way to get from one point to another than by crawling or shuffling across the floor.  So, somewhere around the age of 9 to 15 months we learn that we can stand on our two legs and project ourselves forward. This process eventually turns into our being able to walk.

     When man was first created, we found walking to be the most efficient means of getting around.  According to the Smithsonian magazine “evidence indicates [that the wheel] was created to serve as a potter’s wheel around 3500 B.C. in Mesopotamia --- about 300 years before someone figured out, they could be used for chariots.”

     It seems from that point forward mankind has always been trying to invent a new or more advanced means of transportation so that they would not have to walk.  You only have to look at the history of the bicycle, the motorcycle, the automobile, the train, and the airplane.  I’ve not even begun to mention the variations of these means of transportation.  Nor have I gotten into space travel and the search to reach beyond our own planet.

     Man has continued to desire to go faster and farther than the generation before him.  This has led to many expensive and dangerous experiments.  But he always wants to seek that new frontier of ever projecting himself forward. 

     Since man came to the realization that as a bi-peddle creature he could move about he has realized this ability has put him to a greater advantage over others of God’s creation.  The plants and other vegetation can’t move forward as a man does.  Even within the animal creation, man has used his technology to make himself superior to them in their efforts to move about. 

     Now after thousands of years of advancement, man has come to a startling discovery:  Walking is a good cardio exercise! Such an exercise as walking at a brisk pace of a least 3 miles per hour works your large muscles over and over and pushes your heart and lungs to work hard.  Over a period of time, this makes your heart stronger and more efficient.

     It can lower your resting blood pressure and heart rate.  It can improve your mood, lower stress, give you more energy and stamina, and sharpen your mental focus and memory.  It can also help you keep off extra weight, improve your cholesterol, build stronger bones and muscles, and lower your risk of diabetes, stroke, and certain cancers.  It can also help you sleep better at night.  And except for the cost of a good pair of shoes and a little time, it doesn’t cost you a thing! 

     It’s hard to believe that what we were given from the very beginning of our lives has now been proven to be one of the best things for us as physical creatures.  Through all our advancements we now see that using the two legs we were given from birth is the best things we could be doing for our own bodies.

     Isn’t it funny how it takes us so long to learn that what we had been doing from the beginning is what we should continue to do for our own health?  But, then again, we’re only human!



"If you can't pick up your feet when you walk,

sit down!"

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