Friday, July 31, 2020



    Confidence is the feeling or belief that one can rely on someone or something’s firm trust.  You need to have confidence in yourself to get many things accomplished.  That’s what I want to talk about today.  Let’s take an exercise in confidence and see how you measure up!

     No one is born with confidence! Maybe you didn’t know but confidence is a learnable skill? If you look at your life right now you will find you have had confidence in many areas. If you are honest with yourself you will also notice areas of your life where you lack confidence.  Those statements are true of every person regardless of their current position, economic standing, age, or any other factor that you may want to choose.

     For example, I walk a mile every morning and it is a huge part of my life.  I love it. However, this wasn’t always the case. When I first started walking as an exercise, I thought that I could not even get to the end of the block.  But with time and continued effort it slowly became very enjoyable to me.  If I had not ‘stayed the course” I would likely have let the discomfort of the situation force me to quit and give up.

     But I didn’t. I found several experienced individuals who were avid walkers and started to learn from them. I slowly but deliberately became stronger and more comfortable in my efforts to walk further distances. After a few short weeks, it was almost second nature to me. All of the feelings of embarrassment and inferiority had disappeared. I had developed confidence. The same way I had developed confidence when I learned to walk as a baby, when I learned to ride a bike as a young boy and when I learned how to drive a car at the age of 16.  As you look back over your life (even if it is not an extremely long one yet) you’ll find many things that you have accomplished that took time and effort.  But you were able to develop (and you continue to develop) those necessary skills and the confidence needed to get things accomplished.

     There is no trick to the development of confidence. It is a predictable process that any of us can implement for virtually any action or habit in our lives.  The real question is “Have you recognized this and applied this in your life?”

     OR have you mistakenly accused yourself of not having to ability to do something due to a lack of confidence?

     I want you to take a moment right now and mentally review your dominant thought patterns.

     Most people have at least one area in their life where they lack confidence. For some, it could be speaking in public, for others it could be meeting new people and developing relationships. Whatever it may be for you, identify what that specific area in your life is right now!

     How can you do this?  Simply follow the suggestions outlined here:

  1. You have to identify a major goal that you would like to achieve

  2. You have to identify where you lack confidence in terms of the obtainment of this goal. I assume you lack confidence in this area because if you did not lack confidence then you would have achieved this goal by now. So, identify what that blockage is:

    1. If you’re an entrepreneur, maybe you lack confidence in presenting funding proposals to other business owners or financial institutions.
    2. If you are in sales perhaps you are limiting your success by not pursuing the large accounts.
    3. Maybe you are in a relationship and you are not happy with the behaviour of your partner, do you lack the confidence to ask for what you want?

  3. Write at least one paragraph that describes your confidence block and your current state of mind. When you imagine yourself in this situation of low confidence, what comes up for you. Are you anxious, nervous, upset, etc… Describe your state as accurately as possible

  4. Now that you are aware of your confidence blockages, you can begin to redevelop them. Define one major activity that you can implement ASAP that moves you towards your goal

    1. If you have a fear of speaking, your activity could be to rehearse a 10-minute power speech in front of the mirror
    2. If you struggle in sales, you could plan to practice and refine your sales presentation with a manager or senior colleague

  5. Write a commitment to yourself to practice this new activity every single day for the next 30 days. If you really want to commit to this, find an accountability partner and perform the activity with them so that you have a witness.

  6. At the end of 30 days, repeat step 3 again and analyse where you are in terms of confidence. Rate yourself on a scale of 1-10.  Be honest.  You’re only trying to improve yourself!

     You can continue this until you reach a level that you are satisfied with when it comes to your confidence in this area of your life!

     Once you develop confidence in yourself begin to manifest confidence in others.  Often there are many things in life that we can’t accomplish on our own but will need the assistance of others.  The world has a saying: “It takes two to tango.”  If you’ve never heard that before you may want to do some research and you’ll understand what it means!

     By developing this confidence, you will find many enjoyable new activities in your life and others will be able to see the confidence you exude!

     But there is one caution I would like to mention:  Do Not confuse confidence with arrogance and pride.  Please be careful because we’re only human!



"Never forget:  If you tell yourself you can't,
You can't!"

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