Friday, July 10, 2020


     During the COVID-19 pandemic many people find themselves house-bound.  They may be working from home or it may be that they have decided to “error on the side of caution” and stay sheltered in place.  They perhaps don’t have any particular reason to be outside running around so they have, in effect, self-quarantined themselves for health reasons.

     This may make some feel as if they are not in prison and are not allowed to go out into the world as they had done before!  Now you’ve gotten to that point where you’re wondering WHAT am I going to do with all the time I have on my hands?

     One of my sisters-in-law made an interesting comment recently.  She said: “I’ve found out all those things I never seemed to get done because I didn’t have the time to do them.  Well, not having the time wasn’t the reason I never got them done!”

     That may be the case for many people, but I have heard comments from others who have found the extra time they have now found has been very useful.  Some have found that they are able to get many areas of their home cleaned like they had never done before.  Others have found that those little irritating repair projects have now been checked off their “to-do” list.

    Personally, I have found that I have been able to do more writing and that has been extremely enjoyable.  I now have three books in various stages and I often have some difficulty choosing which one I want to work on during the day.

     I have also been able to do more reading.  When you immerse yourself in the adventure of the writer you never know exactly where you may be going!  This is especially true if this is the first time you have read this particular book or publication.

     There is a third thing I have added to my list of things now that I have more time available.  Have you ever had one of those computer programs that you really like using but there are so many different capabilities about it that you have not yet learned?  I find that true in my case with Microsoft Excel.  I love the many things you can do with this program and now I am spending some time trying to learn how to write different formulas and it is FASCINATING!

     I will only mention one other thing that I have decided to work on during this period of being house-bound: playing the pan flute!  This instrument has interested me for some time now.  I simply love the tones and melodies that are may when I listen to professionals play the instrument.  I actually bought a specially made flue from a shop in Hawaii several years ago and have basically left it sitting in its storage box.  I am now going to spend some devoted time each day and teach myself how to play it.

     There are an unlimited number of possibilities that we could do to better use the time we may now have available.  Often it is merely our mindset to get things put into motion.  However, that nagging procrastination always pulls us in the opposite direction because we’re only human!



"Rich, Poor, Educated or not,
Regardless of your skin color,
Wherever you may live,
We all have the same amount of time each day."

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