Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Shift Your Mindset


    It happens to all of us at some point in our lives (maybe at several points in our lives).  We begin to look at ourselves in a very negative light and start thinking that we can’t do anything right.  Everything in our life has been a total disaster and we are not going to be able to ever make things right.  We have these moments, hopeful not very often, but we do have them and we must find a way to lift ourselves out of this hole of despair and once again face the challenges of our everyday lives!

     If you are experiencing low energy, or are not in good spirits, you may want to consider altering your mindset. When you are down, it can be due to negative thoughts. You start to dwell on everything that is going wrong. You reflect that you aren’t where you thought you would be and it gives you a sinking feeling.  You can really begin to make yourself and those around you miserable! 

     When you start to have negative thoughts, you are setting the stage to beat yourself down. What’s worse is this situation continues to grow. Negativity feeds on itself. When you put yourself down, you will eventually put others down. You will look for others who share your negativity because misery loves company. As the negative energy thrives, you fall deeper into the mental abyss.  You will continue to dig this hole so deep that great efforts will be required to get yourself out of it.  But it can be done!

     To turn this around, you first have to realize that it’s happening. No one likes to admit to doing something wrong, but negative thinking is wrong if you are engaging in it. You have to try and reflect on your life. Think back to when you were happy. Was it a couple of months ago or a couple of years? That will give you a good indication of when you started with the negative thinking. When you were happy, it’s unlikely you were thinking negatively.  This little mental exercise may not be easy to do at first.  You might find that you have been “thinking” yourself into despair for a much longer time than you realized.  But this exercise will be very beneficial to you as you remind yourself you were not always feeling the way you are now.  There was a time when your life had meaning and purpose for you and you want to get back to that point again.

     However, if you don’t believe you are negative but you feel down about your current situation, consider asking friends and family how you have been behaving recently. Tell them you want an honest assessment. Unfortunately, because you are in a negative mindset, you may lash out at their answers. That will make them upset with you since you told them you want an honest assessment. However, if it helps you to see what you are doing, eventually they will forgive you when you turn the situation around.  Always remember that it takes a GOOD friend to be honest with you and only want the best for you in your life.  These GOOD friends will help you get back on the right course.

     Once you have identified that you have a negative mindset, work hard to introduce positivity into your life. Set up a bad thoughts money jar and whenever you say something negative, put money into the jar. You can do this at work, at home, or both. When you see the jar filling up, you know you have more work to do. When you reach a point where you notice that every day you are putting less and less money in your jar you will know that you have been making the necessary changes in your life to be more positive.  Of course, this doesn’t mean that you have WON the fight against your negativity, but only that you have begun to keep it under control!  You might be surprised at how much money your have been able to save during this experience.

     Avoid other negative people as much as possible. They will try to bring you back down, and you may even let them do it. Limiting your exposure to these people is a great step to take on your journey towards positivity.  It will be a long and arduous road but you can make the journey successfully.  Never forget; however, that YOU will be your greatest enemy during this journey because we’re only human!



"Sometimes you have to listen to yourself,

other times you should not listen to yourself.

Wisdom is knowing what time it is NOW!"

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