Friday, July 23, 2021

Perks of Breaking Rules


     I think I might perhaps have to put a “disclaimer” with this blog post.  “I am not suggesting or implying by direct or indirect mention of breaking rules within this post that I am directing individuals to no longer be law-abiding citizens.”  There, I said it!  Most of you readers would understand that a measure of rules are necessary to have and maintain an orderly society.  That being said, however, breaking certain rules can cause the skies to open and rain down benefits – but, we should not forget, that it can also cause your worst nightmares.  Author, Lewis Upton, once said, “I’m a free soul, not a soul who will be contained by rules that were made by people who want to control others.”

     This is one reason it becomes necessary to hear the ENTIRE story and consider all the circumstances, particularly when it comes to certain family rules.  I’m certain, as most parents have done, you have told your young children “Don’t go in the street!”  And there are certainly great benefits from obeying this rule.  However, as your children get older, they begin to understand when it is proper and when it is not proper to be in the street.  Or there may be the occasion when your children will dash into the street to save his/her baby sister, who has wandered off and gotten in the street.  Some rules are made to have flexibility

     However, there are some rules and there comes a time when it becomes necessary to break some rules, simply to break the control of others or of a situation and to set yourself free to make your own rules. Here are some perks of breaking certain rules that society has indiscriminately placed upon us:

1.     The “Work from 9 to 5” Rule. When you break this rule, you can get ahead quickly by garnering more time for yourself and working more efficiently. Many people today are realizing the perks that technology now affords by setting their own hours and taking time for themselves.

2.     Always Meet Your Goals and Expectations. You may change your mind along the way – it’s as simple as that. You can become newly enthused about a project or goal if you let the old ones go.

3.     What Other People Think is Important. Letting go of the fear of people judging you can be very freeing. What kept you down and from reaching new heights in your life plan is replaced with a new zest for life and enthusiasm to take advantage of every opportunity.  You don’t have to “keep up with the Joneses.”

4.     Mistakes Are a Bad Thing. You can get tons of benefits from making mistakes. It’s never fun to admit you’re wrong, but when you learn lessons from those mistakes, the benefits are many and you’ll likely never make that mistake again.  It is truly the ignorant man (or woman) who never admits a mistake!

5.     Your Parents Are Always Right. When you realize that your parents lived in another day and time when rules meant something different than they do today, you can justify breaking the “parents are always right rule.” The major perk you can get from breaking this rule is to free yourself to make your own decisions and plot your own life-path.  However, DON’T become rebellious.  There are still many rules made by parents that are for your protection and should always be followed, even if you don’t know the complete reason for the rule.  It wasn’t until I got older that I realized how smart my parents were.  And by the time I had a family of my own, my parents appeared in my mind as geniuses!!!!

     Although there are perks from breaking many of society’s antiquated rules, beware of breaking rules that were set in place to help us in life. Not working 9 until 5 every day doesn’t mean you don’t have to work hard to realize your goals and dreams.

     In fact, to become the truly successful person you desire to be, you may work harder – spending long days and nights – in reaching the goals and dreams you have for yourself. But, setting your own hours can help you work on your own terms and not those set by others. You’ll do a much better job and finish projects much more efficiently.

     The main rule you never want to forget is that YOU will be the greatest obstacle you will have to overcome in your life.  You will not only be the driving force behind your successes, but you will the roadblock which will prevent you from achieving many things in your life.  There’s no other way to put it, except: we’re only human!



"Know when to venture

outside the lines."

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