Friday, July 2, 2021

Add Change in Your Life

      Very often we find that we let our lives get into a routine of doing the same things over and over again.  We get up, we eat, we work, we go to bed.  It seems that this daily attitude permeates our everyday living.  We get into “a rut” as the saying goes.  People begin to mark their own daily routines by using ours as a “measure of time” for when they do things.  We have become THAT predictable!

     “The two enemies of human happiness are pain and boredom,” so stated Arthur Schopenhauer, a German philosopher of the 1800s.  When you feel bored, you are robbed of hopefulness and excitement. Boredom forces the mind to slip into a state of complacency and, in a way, weakness.  The brains of people who are prone to boredom react differently, compared to those who don't, Perone and his colleagues found in a new paper recently published in the journal Psychophysiology.  Among their findings, those who experience boredom more often tend to have more anxiety and are more prone to depression.”

     Letting boredom interfere with your happiness is optional – so don’t let it happen! Regardless of how you feel or what someone else may tell you, it is YOUR choice to continue living with boredom in your life or you might enjoy instead, trying the following suggestions to fill your life with fun and exciting things!  If you put your mind to it and give it a little thought you may be able to come up with other things that will help you improve the quality of your life.

Make a Change

     As I have already mentioned it is your decision whether you continue allowing your life to be one filled with boredom!  Boredom often comes from a lack of activity or interest, so make a change in your life!  Start with a change of mindset, whether that means adopting a more optimistic outlook or being more adventurous.  You might be truly surprised if you try new and exciting things in your life.  I always have been one who like to take a vacation by flying from one location to another and then enjoying my time at my destination.  One year my son and his family talked my wife and I to DRIVING with them from Colorado to California.  I wasn’t really thrilled by the idea, but they took care of all the driving so I went along.  As we traveled through Utah we stopped at the Moab and Zion National Park.  After hiking some of the area and enjoying the views, I couldn’t believe that I had never done that before!  I had a great time with this new experience.

Don’t Limit Yourself!

     If you really want to stir things up, you need to stop putting limitations on yourself. You’re capable of whatever you want to do – it may take some hard work, but you can get there.  It’s true, your particular health condition may limit you physically from what you might like to do, but don’t be too quick to place an arbitrary limit upon yourself without trying.  If you want some really encouraging reading go to the following website:

Go with Your Gut

     There’s a voice in your head saying, “Do it!” and another voice saying, “Wait. Let’s take a pause.” Sometimes it’s good to listen to the rational, logical side of your brain. Other times, you need to go with your gut feeling – especially when you’re trying to branch out and try new things. You may not be accustomed to trusting your gut instinct, but it is something that can be developed.  Consider the information found at and see how you can get more involved in various activities by trusting yourself!

Baby Steps

     You don’t usually suddenly have the idea in your head to jump out of a plane at 14 or 15,000 feet!  Unless, of course, your plane happens to be “going down” and you must make a last-ditch effort for survival. You would normally take plenty of time and study before getting involved in such an activity.  So, what can you do in preparation?  Have you ever heard of taking baby steps toward something? We can’t always make that giant leap toward our goals or our dreams. Often, we need to start small. Perhaps that means trying a new ice cream flavor or going to a different mall. Or if your dream is to skydive, you’d begin with hours of training on the ground before getting in the plane.  If that would be your desire you might like to check out So with baby steps you would little by little begin working your mind into being more adventurous.

Make a List

     Just like a to-do list, you can make a “do” list. Draft up a catalog of things you want to do for yourself – for fun! This list can include all new things, some old things, or all of the above. The point is to hold yourself accountable to branch out of your comfort zone.  This is not necessarily your “bucket list,” that is, a list of things that you have not done before but would want to do before dying.  However, dependent upon your particular circumstances they may be very similar to one another.  If you’d like some ideas as to how to get this list started and get some assistance in making them happen visit  Remember YOUR list doesn’t have to be filled with earth-shattering events, just the things that YOU want to do!

Make Plans Quickly

     We’ve all committed the age-old foul of making plans too far in advance that when the time comes around, we’re not so excited about the plans anymore. If you make your plans with more immediacy, you’ll hold yourself to them and you’ll be less likely to back out. You can understand what I’m saying.  On Wednesday or Thursday plan that week-end getaway for THAT week-end and prepare yourself for the adventure!  If you need some suggestions or assistance visit

     As you read through these tips, know that there is no trickery here. You’re not trying to play games with your own mind; you’re learning how to read your mind so that you can accomplish big things and try exciting things throughout your life. You’re trying to make changes so you can eliminant the boredom from your life.  Just remember that the greatest obstacle that will be holding you back from changing your life into one of excitement and joy is YOU!  That’s because we’re only human!



"If you spend more time doing

than the time you are

thinking of doing,

you'll get more done!"

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