Tuesday, October 6, 2020


      I have a new walking routine that I started about a month ago.  In the mornings, usually around six a.m. I’m out on my “track” making my laps so I can get my 1.55 miles done in about thirty minutes.  The routine now is: walk three days, take a day off.  Walk three days and take a day off, and so on.

     Being out during the time that I am I find it pleasantly enjoyable.  The air is crisp.  There is very little sound where I walk except for an occasional vehicle driving by about two blocks from me.  I do hear on occasion the sound of dogs barking in the distance and I often wonder what could have disturbed them in this early morning silence.  There are times when the lack of sounds is so profound that I think I can hear my own heart beating as I continue to make my rounds on the track.

     However, one of the best parts of the walk that I enjoy is those few moments when the sun begins to rise over the horizon.  I get a glimpse of those warm rays and then I can feel them on my face.  But just the sheer beauty of the sun coming over that eastern horizon and then rising towards the tops of the trees that are around my yard makes me begin to think.

     This is the beginning of a new day.  What exciting things are going to happen this day that will be different from the ones before?  With each new sunrise somewhere, there is a baby born into this world.  What will he or she grow up to be?  Perhaps this will be the person who will make marvelous discoveries that will prolong the health of humans!  Perhaps they will be the one who will unite the world?

     With each new sunrise there is also someone in the world who will be living the last day of their life.  They may have a terminal illness that will culminate on this day.  They may be one who will have their life taken by an unjustified act of violence.  It may be that they will simply be in the wrong place at the wrong time and their life will end.

     Looking at that new sunrise, I realize that somewhere in world there are people hoping that their life will change for the better.  Their living conditions will improve, their family lives will improve, and they will find that things have changed for the better for them.  There will also be those who will learn within this new day that things have changed for the worse.  Perhaps they will lose their jobs, their marriage will end in divorce, their child will run away from home and so many other numerous things that will bring heartache to their lives.

     Spending a few simple moments each morning looking at that new sunrise brings an untold number of possibilities to my mind.  How each will play out during the day I will probably never know.  But I do know this, that each new sunrise, starting a new day of life will bring change!  Some will experience small changes and others will experience larger changes.  For most the changes will be somewhere in between.

     As the many possibilities swirl through my mind I realize that my walk is coming to its conclusion for the morning.  I will have to await the next days walk to see another sunrise and let the possibilities of that new day pour through my mind.  It seems with each new day comes those new possibilities and often the changes that do occur are all up to us as individuals.  Will we make the changes or not?  That is the powerful question of the moment.  The reality of the answer remains to be seen, because we’re only human!



"We're burning sunlight!'

(John Wayne "The Cowboys")

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