Tuesday, August 11, 2020


     I was out for my morning walk when it suddenly dawned on me that I seem to start walking at a better pace once the sun begins to rise over the treetops.  I have setup a “makeshift” track on the property beside my house and every morning I get up about 6 am and walk a mile before taking my shower and having breakfast.  I always feel much better after I do this.

    It’s a funny thing in some aspects.  We’ve heard often how too such sunlight can cause skin cancer or other detrimental harm to our skin.  But the truth is we need a certain amount of sunlight to benefit our mood and other things in our lives.

     Sunlight and darkness have been proven to trigger the release of hormones in our brains. This hormone is called Serotonin.  It is associated with boosting mood and helping a person feel calm and focused.  At night, darker lighting triggers the brain to make another hormone called Melatonin which is responsible for helping us to sleep.

     This simple action of getting a balanced amount of sunlight (some authorities have suggested that as little as 15 minutes three times each week) will the body in many other ways.  The vitamin D from sunlight has been linked to helping in building stronger bones in our bodies.  Although excess sunlight can contribute to skin cancer, a moderate amount of sunlight actually has preventive benefits when it comes to cancers such as, colon cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, ovarian cancer, pancreatic cancer, and prostate cancer.

     Our being exposed to a balanced amount of sunlight also helps in healing skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, jaundice, and acne.   A dermatologist may be able to recommend whether light treatments will benefit your specific skin concerns.

     Although studies have not been conclusive some research has shown that sunlight is linked as a potential treatment for several other conditions like rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus, inflammatory bowel disease, and thyroiditis.  As with many potential treatments it appears that additional research will need to be made in these areas.

     However, there is another side to this “sunshine.”  It can also make a reference to someone or something (such as a person, condition, or influence) that radiates warmth, cheer, or happiness.  Now that is something powerful to think about!

     In 1972 Stevie Wonder (musical performer) released a song entitled “You Are the Sunshine of My Life.”  The opening lyrics to that song were: “You are the sunshine of my life.  That’s why I’ll always be around.”

     Just as our physical bodies need the benefits of our sun, our emotional and spiritual bodies need the “sunshine” of those around us who are going to radiate that warmth, cheer, and happiness that we need to keep our spirits high.

     Think about it for a moment.  You know individuals who walk into a room and the whole atmosphere becomes lighter, easier to deal with.  Those types of people make our day brighter.  We look forward to seeing them come into association with us again.

    However, we also know individuals who enter a room and suddenly it seems like a dark cloud has descended over the whole room.  Everyone’s spirit drops.  You almost feel like you are ready to surrender and admit defeat! 

     I guess the question becomes: Which type of person are WE?  Do we brighten the room upon entering or do we bring in the dark cloud?  Perhaps a self-examination would be in order.  We may need to find a “trusted” friend and ask them directly: How would you describe my attitude as seen by others?

     When I was working at my secular job, I had a sign on the wall of my office behind my desk.  It read: “Everyone brings joy to this office: some when they enter, some when they leave!”  I had a few people ask: “Which one am I?”  I would usually reply: “I’m not sure.  You haven’t left yet!”

     Just remember the storm that permeates your immediate surroundings may be caused by YOU!  Seek opportunities to calm the storm and live a happier life.  You must know, however, that it may not be easy.  We’re only human!      



"You can't control the actions of others,

but you can control those of yourself."


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