Friday, July 28, 2017

There's No Time Like NOW!

     “Humanity has not been this close to oblivion since the darkest early days of the Cold War, a team of scientists concluded yesterday.  The scholars who control the Doomsday Clock, a 70-year-old device warning of impending apocalypse, nudged it forward 30 seconds.  The hands now stand at two-and-a-half minutes to midnight.” The Times, January 27, 2017.

     Over the past 100 years there have been dozens of predictions of the end of the world.  And yet as you can see it is still here.  Does this mean that the removal of all the evil and badness in this world is not going to happen?  I don’t think so!  But for me to try and tell you when this end will come would be a surmountable act of pride and arrogance on my part.  So I’m not going to talk about the “end” of the world in this post.  However, what I am going to talk about is “our” end!  The ceasing of our life functions: The conclusion of our being able to continue as a living being!  What I’m going to talk about is our death: Or at least the time remaining until our death.

     Many people have their own beliefs as to what is going to happen to them after the moments of their last breath.  And I’m not going to spend the words in arguable debate about these different beliefs, although simple logic should be able to show you that not everyone’s beliefs can be right!  Not everyone can have the truthful answer to what happens to us at death.  Yet, putting the differences of our assumptions behind us for a moment there is part of this subject that we can all agree on: We ALL die!  At some point because of old age, or “natural” causes, or a disease, or an accident, a premeditated act by someone else, or by the actions taken during a period of war or some type of global incident:  We DIE!

     In this post I would like to discuss what are we doing with the time we have from NOW and that moment when, due to some reason as I previously mentioned above, we no longer exist among the living.  It seems that most of the time during our moments of living we spend complaining about our lot in life, how we have been mistreated by some circumstance beyond our control, or how it seems impossible for us to make any changes to improve our circumstances.  Why do we find it more advantageous for us to spend so much time dwelling on the things that we have no control over instead of trying to correct, if necessary, the things that we CAN control?

     Sometimes we can spend so much time analyzing a situation and all the possible out comes before we take ANY type of action that what we wind up doing is NOTHING!  You would think that at some point within our consideration of ALL possibilities we would come across a workable solution that we can put into action. Even if it is one solution that will not solve the problem completely or perhaps provides only a temporary solution!

     While considering the time we have to use between NOW and our final demise we really don’t have much time to be wasting it on pointless pursuits.  We’ll spend about one-third of our available time asleep.  We will be, for all practical purposes, unaware of the events that will be going on around us.  Approximately another one-third of our time will be consumed by employment activities.  We will go through our daily procedures and basically not consider any other activities that might be of greater benefits to us.  Although instead of concentrating on our work activities while at work we are usually planning what we want to be doing when we get away from work!  This only leaves approximately one-third of our available time to use in examining what greater beneficial activities we can partake in to help our fellow man.  However, we still must remove some more time from this available allotment.  We have to eat, we travel to and from work, we have to shop and there are probably other time constraints that must be taken into consideration.  With all these losses of time we, in actuality, have very little time within our life to use for the benefit of others.

     With that small, precious amount of time that IS available, we need to diligently work at making ourselves available so that we can aide our fellow man.  As far as we are concerned, our activities are very important not only to ourselves, but to others around us.  We will only have such opportunities as we make them available from the precious little time we have.  We must always remember that there is no time like the present to do whatever we can to serve others.  I guess that’s why we made up the saying: “NOW is the time to act!”



"Today YOU can be someone's hero!"

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