Thursday, February 2, 2017

Let's Debate!

               It seems that as humans we want to argue or debate any (and all) situations.  And to some degree this is not a bad thing.  But, we have become a society of people who want to have OUR say in everything!

                Let’s debate:  Should a major highway be widened?  Should you plant the tree on the south side or north side of the building?  Which is most important, vanilla ice cream or chocolate?  Then regardless of the topic debated and regardless of the outcome there will ALWAYS be those who are going to disagree with the decision.  That is our human nature.  And often, regardless of the facts (not the suppositions) there will be that group (regardless of how small) who will not believe. Think back to when the US put men on the moon. Until my father’s death (in 1994) he was convinced (in his own mind) that the entire account was fabricated by NASA and staged by Hollywood to fool people.  The government had to produce SOME type of “evidence” to account for all the money that was being spent.

                Government cover-ups, conspiracies, and other such activities will probably continue to exist and will continue to be debated.  Is Elvis still alive?  Who really killed John F. Kennedy?  And more recently: What really happened to Malysia Airlines flight 370?  There will never be an end to such debates!

                And we also have to remember that just because a person, or a group, or even a nation, may WIN the debate on such a topic, this doesn’t mean that their response is the RIGHT response.  Nor does it mean that the issue has been settled.  Sometimes, in many areas, the individuals involved have agree to capitulate to the majority - - - even when the majority does not have the best solution available for the whole.  Our human nature is to still complain!  To feel that OUR needs have not been fairly considered!  For some reason we have been cheated of OUR right!  But, even under these conditions we have (usually) agreed (in some fashion) to abide by the outcome.  But we will still complain.

                When this happens (once again) we want to debate!  Our view becomes “it ain’t over till it’s over!”  But how long does a situation continue before we will admit “it’s OVER?”  Debates can go on for years, decades even.  What truly has to be considered is the situation we find ourselves in.  Consider this as an example:  Situation 1.  Should the community put shrubbery on Main Street in front of local businesses?  Does this need to be debated?  Certainly!  Who is actually going to plant the shrubs?  Who is going to pay for them?  This will affect the businesses, the community, even the people in that community.  But, it may take some time to reach a conclusion.  City committees will want to plan and then postpone.  You know how the system works!  Situation 2.  There are one hundred fifty people in a plane whose engines have failed.  Should the pilot and co-pilot hold a debate with the passengers about what should be done?  Time is critical.  Action is needed immediately!  However, depending on the outcome in this situation, the pilot will be a hero or not!  And sadly regardless of the decision there will be those who will continue to debate if the right decision was made!  Think of Captain Sully.  It just highlights a constant consideration - - - we’re only human!


"If the airplane "black" box is indestructible,
why don't they build the entire plane from the same material?"

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