Friday, January 31, 2020


     For about the first nine months of our existence we are alone and in the dark.  The only comforting thing about our situation is that we take comfort in realizing that we feel protected and continually hear the systematic beating of our mother’s heart.    

     However, after our birth and the span of several years, we grow into small children we have been thrown into a world of chaos and turmoil.  We do not yet understand how we fit into this strange and terrifying world.  One of our biggest fears is being left alone in the dark! 

     With the limited knowledge that we have and the fears that almost consume us on a daily basis we no longer have that feeling of protection and we cannot hear the soothing rhythm of our mother’s heartbeat.  Adding to this is that in some situations it is the very people we have felt would be that protection for us who have now turned out to the ones who are creating and continuing the situation of problems we have to have.

     We feel trapped!  We feel unable to tell anyone about the daily abuses that are showered upon us!  We often feel that the cause of all the problems that we have to face is US!  These bad and terrible things only happen to us because it’s our fault.  We start to feel that this type of life is what we deserve and we had better learn how to deal with it or it will consume us.

     As we grow older and having found a way to remove ourselves from the horrific circumstances that we had called “our life,” we find ourselves still with the feelings that WE are unworthy or having any “normal” existence.  We don’t deserve to have “good” things happen to us.  Our minds become consumed with an almost self destructive feature.  If something “good” appears to be coming into our lives we find some way of pushing it away.  Making ourselves retreat back into the former existence that was our prior lives.

     At times we retreat into the darkness of our own minds.  We tell ourselves this dark and lonely place, deep within the recesses of our mind, is the only place we can find peace and contentment.  Sadly at times the darkness of our mind, the darkness that we once feared so badly has now become the sanctuary where we want to “live.”  And there are often times when we are unable (or unwilling) to return from those dark corners of our minds and just continue our existence alone and in the dark!



"Love can reach into places we fear to tread."

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


     The dictionary defines perspective as “a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something; a point of view.”  I think most of us can understand this concept when stated as “viewing a glass of water as half full or half empty.”  The situation as viewed in this manner will give us the summation that we are in trouble because of running out of water or we can be thankful because we still have half of our water left.

     I want to discuss a couple of the reasons why we may have the perspective that we do: one will be our background and the other will be our tendency to have a negative outlook on life.  Although in reality I guess that the two most often work in agreement for us to reach the point of view that we have.

     First we have to look at the way we “grew up.”  The region, the area, the community, and even our family and friends will have an effect on the way we view different matters.  Most people within the United States do not view it as “proper” to let their children (especially small children) drink alcoholic beverages at meals in their homes. However, this is very “normal” and acceptable for families in Europe and other areas.  Most families in the world (as well as communities) would view the killing of another human as something “highly unacceptable” and we learn these things as we grow up into adults.

     We generally also learn our prejudices as we grow into adulthood.  One meaning of this word is “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.”  One historic example of this is within the United States that shows the perspective of many at that time was written by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence:  “all men are created equal.”  However, at the time of his writing this famous historic phrase he, himself, owned about 200 slaves and never set any of them free, even upon his death.  Jefferson’s words (or his perspective, as well as others) certainly had no reference to black people, of whom the majority at that time had no place in American society except as property.

     As for our second point: negative outlook.  Some people regardless of the circumstances or reasonable expectations, they will always look on the negative side of an issue.  They are the “glass half empty” type of individuals.  They will always look at things in the most doubtful of means.  It reminds me a story I once heard:  There was a man making his first parachute jump from a plane after training.  He was told prior to his exit from the plane:  “After you jump, count to three --- pull your rip cord.  If for some reason it fails to open, reach for your emergency chute cord and pull it.  The school truck will be on the ground waiting to take you back to the airport.”

     So the man jumped!  One – Two – Three!  Then he pulled the cord.  NOTHING happened!  So he reached to his side and pulled the cord for the emergency chute.  NOTHING happened!  Then he looked down and said:  “I bet that truck isn’t down there waiting for me either!”  His view was very grim.

     We need to develop a better outlook on life and about those around us.  Our perspective needs to be on the “glass half full” level and always see that there is still a reason to look to the future with hope.  Unfortunately our biggest problem is:  We’re Only Human!



"When you look at the faults of others,
consider how they are looking at YOU!"

Friday, January 24, 2020


    It seems that almost everything you get today you’re going to have instructions on how to assemble the item, or how to follow a certain procedure to make things work the way they are supposed to. 

     But there are times when I wonder if the person who has written the instructions has ever seen the product they are trying to help you assemble?  For example, I’ve had those small tables or bookshelves where you are to put “tab B” into “slot A” for assembly.  And neither of these items actually fit together.  One or the other is slightly off to make a proper connection.  I know you understand what I’m talking about.

     Another thing that comes to my mind is trying to work on some computer program.  They give the “instruction” (that is if you can now figure out where they are on the website!).  No one gets a printed instruction manual any longer.  When you read the information that is meant to help you operate the system, it is often assumed that you already know most of the steps on how to do it!  I always think “if I knew how to do it, I wouldn’t need the instructions!”  But it never seems to work out that way.

     Sometimes however following the instructions can be very beneficial.  Years ago in one of my college classes we had a final exam.  The professor instructed the class to read the instructions very carefully before taking the exam.  Upon looking at the test there were 100 questions.  There were also included FIVE pages of instructions!

     Upon reading the instructions we found the following:  On page three of the instructions we were told to answer FIVE specific questions within the test (such as 7, 21, 38, 66, and 80).  Of course, I don’t remember if these were the exact questions we had to answer, but you get the idea.  After answering these questions we were told to sign the exam and turn in our papers.

     Many in the class had very puzzled looks on their faces when they began to see their classmates turning in their papers and leaving the room.  They had decided to NOT read the instructions, but began answering the test questions.  They had made a BIG mistake!

   There are other times when instructions can be very simple, but we with our so-called superior intellect decide to make them very difficult by trying to reason on what the instructions MEANT to say instead of just following the instructions given.  But then again we must remember:  We’re only human!



"Why do we not have the time to do something right,
but we have the time to do it over!"

Tuesday, January 21, 2020


    Some people look at things in the world and think “that’s so insignificant!”  Others are able to see that within all things there are great potentials that we have perhaps been overlooking.  Sadly some people look at themselves and feel that they are the insignificant thing and even “talk down” to themselves when it comes to their own personal worth within society.

    I recall the 1898 publication of H.G. Well’s “War of the Worlds” science fiction novel concerning a Martian attack on London.  Many of you will have not read the book, but only seen the movies adaptations of it.  The 1953 Byron Haskin directed adaptation of the novel starring Gene Barry and Ann Robinson.  Haskin’s adaptation influenced future science fiction films, including Steven Spielberg’s War of the Worlds (2005), which starred Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanning and featured narration by Morgan Freeman.

     Although Wells made a brief mention in his epilogue as follows: “At any rate, in all the bodies of the Martians that were examined after the war, no bacteria except those already known as terrestrial species were found.”   More specifically in the 2005 adaptation the conclusion was made that although mankind was unable with all its scientific and military advances to stop the Martian invasion, the lowly (insignificant) bacteria upon the Earth was downfall to the invasion.

     That which seemed to be of very little importance when this monumental attack was taking place was the needed prevention from the annihilation of mankind.  These small, microscopic creatures had been able to accomplish what the “intelligence” of mankind had been unable to do!

     One current creature that is not very often considered as important is the earthworm.  There are more than 180 earthworm species found in the United States with thousands of species worldwide.  Most people have very little use for this lowly creature.  However, there are many facts about this creature that make it simply amazing!  Just to mention a few:

     The earthworm’s digestive system is a tube running straight from the mouth, located at the tip of the front end of the body, to the rear of the body, where digested material is passed to the outside.  Species vary in what they eat, but by and large their devouring of fallen leaves and/or soil allows the worms to move nutrients such as potassium and nitrogen into the soil.

     Also, worm movements within the Earth create burrows that encourage the passage of air and a loosening of the soil.  Yes, these “insignificant” creatures can be a farmer’s best friend.  Their behavior can naturally improve the quality of crops.

     Yes, there are some bad effects caused by earthworms in some locations, but for the most these creatures are very beneficial.

     We may view ourselves are lowly and “insignificant,” but upon a closer examination we may be surprised at the great amount of beneficial actions we may be able to provide, not only to our lives, but to the lives of others.



"That which appears insignificant may 
in fact be that which is most important!"

Friday, January 17, 2020


    It seems that at times we tend to look at the outside world (that is the world that is outside our on sphere of thought and reasoning) as nothing more than our enemy.  We look at our workmates and feel they are always trying to do something that will put us in a “bad light” with our employer.  Perhaps they are doing things behind our backs that will only result with us being in trouble maybe to the point of losing our jobs.  The same is true with our classmates if we are still in school.  We can almost see the things they are doing to make us look “stupid” with our other classmates.

     At times there may be some basis of truth to these feelings and potential accusations, but for the most part they are only realities within our own minds.  That being said it doesn’t make the feelings that we have any less tolerable or any less painful.  These feelings are real!  At least that is the way we feel about things.

     Perhaps most of these feelings are due to our own guilt or a feeling of worthlessness within our own being.  We tend to think so little of ourselves that we are certain that others MUST have the same feelings about us!  They must be trying to let others see how unimportant we are within the main stream of life.

     We just “feel” that all of these things are true and there is no hope or no reason for us to feel any different.  It’s true that for some these feelings may be due to a chemical imbalance within their brains and they may need to seek some professional help to get past these moments.  However, many times we just have spent so many years “convincing” ourselves that no one can love us or truly have any real feelings for us that now it almost becomes “automatic” to feel that way constantly.

     This means that WE have become our own worst enemy!  We need to realize that it’s okay to be different.   It’s not wrong to have these feelings, but to keep them under control.  We can love ourselves for who we are and not what others may think we are.  Just be the best person you can be and know that you are worth more than you can ever imagine!


"Folly and Unreasonableness can hide
the enemy within."

Tuesday, January 14, 2020


    Choices are something that we all have to make each and every day of our lives.  Of course, some of them are minor in nature and will probably cause very little disturbance within our lives.  We will not be overly devastated if we were to choose to wear a blue shirt today instead of a white one.  Or you ladies may have nothing eventful happen in your life if you should choose to wear a dress today instead of your pant suit.  That is, unless your workmate chooses to wear the same outfit that you have chosen.  Devastating - - - but the world will not come to an end!

     Some choices we make can and do affect not only our lives, but the lives of many others.  And at times the problem is that we choose to make NO choice at all, but continue to let things go on the way they have for perhaps many years!

    On this day as will happen on many other days of your life; as has happened on many days prior to this one:  you will meet people that need your help!  They may need some type of simple physical help:  crossing the street, carrying packages or groceries, maybe understanding some needed directions in the new community that they are now living in.  Whatever, you may be able to do for such ones: you must choose to make the difference.

    Today if you meet a police officer or a fireman let them know how much you appreciate the hard and often dangerous work they do in our behalf.  A kind smile and a few friendly words can help them continue to provide the much needed services that they do.

     When you have the opportunity to speak to children, let them know how you look forward to their contributions to the future of society.  Help them see how they can make good choices in their lives that will affect many others.

     Let others know that you have made and will continue to make good choices within your life that will help all of us look forward to a better future.  Doing the WRONG things is easy!  It takes a strong and determined person to do what is right in the face of perhaps great opposition.  Be strong.  Be courageous.  Make choices that are good!



"You may not choose to be successful,
but you must choose not to fail!"

Friday, January 10, 2020


     According to one dictionary the word is defined as “complete trust or confidence in someone or something.”  Most people think of this word in religious terms as having faith in God.  But as shown it can refer to many other things as well.

     Many people, even those not professing to believe in God, have faith in something.  We all get up in the morning with a measure of faith that the sun will be shining in the sky.  Perhaps without any conscience thought we have faith that the earth will continue to turn and provide the gravity we need to remain upon it and not to be flung out into space.

     To some degree we might have faith that our jobs will remain available to us when we drive to our company each morning.  We might even have faith in the seemingly impossible:  like the Cubbies winning the World Series!  But it can happen!

     I often think of the first astronauts being sent to the moon and the tremendous amount of faith they had to have in the scientists and engineers who prepared all that was necessary for that venture to take place.  Especially at the point when they were told that when we sling you into space you’ll be on a path that is way ahead of the moon’s current location.  However, don’t be concerned because after you travel almost 240,000 miles in space the moon will be there waiting for you!  That took a LOT of faith.

     Small children implicitly put faith in their parents.  They never worry that their parents will be there to provide for them and care for their daily needs.  And when parents care for this responsibility daily on a consistent basis the faith of their children grows ever stronger.  As we grow we look at others with a similar type of expectation.  As people in our lives continually to live up to those expectations we allow our faith in them to grow accordingly.

     The sad situation begins to develop when we allow ourselves to fail in being dependable or faithful to our responsibilities, whatever they may be.  Others can no longer have faith in us.  Our relationships begin to fail and crumble.  Some will try to mend the breaks within such situations, but it can take a long time to reestablish a faithful relationship with another after we have disappointed them in the past.  Others will take the position that “that’s just the way I am.”  “You can take it or leave it!”  They assume you will understand because in fact, “We’re only human!”



"Without faith many things are impossible!"

Tuesday, January 7, 2020


     I think most of us during our lifetime have heard different “sayings”:  “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” [Winston Churchill]  “Don’t let schooling interfere with your education.” [Mark Twain]  “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” [Confucius]  "Winners never quit and Quitters never win."  [Vince Lombardi]  And I could go on.  You probably have your favorite saying from someone who has been an influence within your life.

     But in this blog post I want to talk more about those “in house” sayings we’ve gotten from people we have grown up with or from family members.  Those types of sayings that at times maybe don’t make a lot of sense or there are those so logical that you simply cannot find any argument with them.

     To site a few examples:  When I was growing up we had a housekeeper who took care of us kids when we were younger and not in school while our parents worked.  Our housekeeper always told me: “Every day, you go out to play.  Put on your shirt so you won’t get hurt.”  Now I never really understood exactly what she meant by this because most of the time I got hurt while playing outside, I HAD my shirt on!  So her saying didn’t make much sense to me, but she would always tell me the same line.

     Now my father on the other hand, while not a very well educated man according to schooling, had a very profound saying he would always tell me:  “Son, if you live long enough, you’ll be old!”  Let’s face it:  It’s hard to dispute the logic of this statement!  If any person lives long enough how would they deny their advancing age?  It would be impossible!

     Here’s one my mother used to say and I had to do some research to find out what the meaning of it was.  “Don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.”   “This idiomatic expression is showing an avoidable error in which something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad, or in other words, rejecting the favorable along with the unfavorable.”

     The idea of throwing the baby out with the bath water might be inspired by the relatively few baths taken by people in Europe before the 16th century. Baths were often thought to be unhealthy, and they were difficult to prepare, because the bath water had to be drawn and heated. The difficulty of preparing bath water often meant that the same water might be used for a whole family’s bath, and the baby was frequently bathed last. At this point, the bath water might be quite dirty and might obscure view of the baby. A mother wouldn’t want to mistakenly discard the baby with the dirty, murky water — not that this was likely to occur.

    You might be amazed at the “truth” or “fallacy” behind some of the things that you are told.  Keep searching for truth.  Keep seeking to find understanding.  But never forget, “we’re only human!”



"There is nothing more unsettling than 
the question you never ask!"

Friday, January 3, 2020


     Here we are at the beginning of another year.  Most people are trying to decide what their “resolution” is going to be  so that in about 30 days (or less) they can stop doing what they have determined is going to be the BIG change in their lives for the year of 2020!

     If they stopped and thought for a few minutes they would probably realize that this get change they are thinking about making is really last year’s resolution!  Or maybe even from the year before that!

     Most of us (in all sincerity) truly intend to make the changes we resolve to do, but for some reason we always (at least for most people) seem to give in to the decision that what we were going to do is no longer that important for us.  We seem to think that we will always have time to make those changes later.  However, for some “later” never gets here.

     We seem to ponder the situation within our minds and reach the conclusion that all the effort that these changes are going to require and all the time that we will have to invest in the processes necessary to bring about the change we are desiring are just NOT worth it!  So we fall back into the “comfortable” routine we have established for ourselves so that there is no strain upon us and we can now relax.

     However we fail to recognize that with ANY worthwhile accomplishment there is usually a great amount of effort required.  This is usually accompanied by a great amount of time that must be included. 

     After the first man-made object to reach the surface of the Moon (the Soviet Union’s Luna 2 mission on September 13, 1959) the United States, by support given by President John Kennedy, achieved the first manned mission to land on the Moon (Apollo 11) on July 20, 1969.  This took the efforts of many individuals and companies, along with government agencies, to become a reality.  There was the entire decade of the 1960s to get this mission accomplished.

     Now, I’m not saying that your resolutions are as monumental as the US Moon landing project; however, you may have to put in just as much effort and time to get your goals accomplished.  You may have to get the help from others before your achievements become a reality.  In the end you will find that if your goal is a worthwhile one and your efforts are sincere, the time you spend to reach that goal is going to be more than worth these efforts.

     The sad part of realizing all our dreams and hopes is that in the finale we are only human!



"If you never plan your goal,
you'll never know when you have reached it!"