Monday, August 28, 2017

What Would YOU Do?

     I’m probably like many of you: I watch the evening news on television.  I see the same things that are happening in this country and in other places around the world.  I often think: “How can things get any worse?”  And yet when I watch the news the next evening I find myself saying: “It did get worse!”  I hope and pray that if you are reading this blog these terrible things that I watch each night are NOT happening to you.  But if they are I have to feel a terrible remorse that you may be suffering these atrocities.  But if they ARE NOT happening to you, I’m very thankful, but I want you to consider for just a moment if they WERE happening to you: What would you do?

    You could sit around waiting for someone to come to your assistance.  And today there are many organizations and individuals who respond almost instantly to the need of others.  It is extremely heartwarming to know that we can be part of such a fantastic service to those in need.  I’ve heard about them and so have you:  Those individuals who are not seeking any recognition or payback or often even a simple “thank you.”  But they were there when the assistance was needed and they did not hesitate to “jump in” and commit to the efforts that it took to help.  Often, and you may know some personally, who are NEVER recognized widely for their efforts.  Some are total strangers who happened to be walking by or driving by when the situation called for action.  They were there and their hearts compelled them to extend compassion and empathy.  They didn’t think about the person’s education level, or their economic status, or the color of their skin, or their nationality or religious upbringing.  They saw another fellow human in need and they took action.  And times are when these are not high-charged, “life or death” situations but only an opportunity to show fellow filling and concern.

    Some actions are taken on a daily basis and never reach the national level of review by millions on the evening news, but are only known by the person who is affected by the actions of others and who may never be in a position to repay those kind actions in any fashion, but who will always hold a special place in their hearts for all that was done for them.

     Consider:  the person who pays for your order while you wait in the drive thru line.  Or that person in the grocery line who covers those “few extra dollars” because you were short in your payment.  Think of that police officer who pays for a lady’s diapers for her baby because she had no money.  Even the person who gives you their seat on the bus and then they stand for the entire ride.  Maybe it’s those “little things” that you almost never take notice of: Someone holding the door while you enter or exit a building.  Or maybe someone who pauses in the street so you can back out of a parking space.  It may only be a gesture of those old words of kindness, “Please” and “Thank You” that you haven’t heard in a long time.  Or maybe just an appreciative thought of letting you know that you are appreciated.  When was the last time you received a hand-written note from a close personal friend that simply stated: Just thinking of you?  Maybe the more important question might be: When was the last time YOU SENT such a card to one of your close friends?

     And there are so many other such situations and occasions of this type that could be mentioned.  However, my thought is: What would YOU do?  I pray that you, my dear reader, are NEVER in a desperate situation of need.  But please think about how you could be the giver of such support and sharer of such human compassion.  Think today how you could be the uplifting moment in someone’s life.  And if it is within your means to do so, please do not hesitate to do it!



"Plan for the BEST ---
Expect the WORSE ---
then live with what you get!"

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